Prints out your gradebook entries

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13698755

Question: Description: Using the GradeBook/GradeBookTest examples used in the lesson and found in the text; make the subsequent improvements by adding methods to the GradeBook or GradeBookTest classes and executing methods in GradeBookTest class.

Part 1: Prints out your gradebook entries: Must display a welcome message with your First and Last name.

Part 2: Create a new gradebook entry for four different CSCI courses. Must use a constructor to initialize the course name.

Part 3: Include course grade as an input parameter for the course (letter grade)

Part 4: Display Course with course grade.

I'm not sure how to solve the question and you have to satisfy the requirements specific in the instruction.

Reference no: EM13698755

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the heat of reaction when 1 mole of hydrogen gas : Question- For NH3, the standard enthalpy of formation is -46 kJ/mol. Calculate the heat of reaction when 1 mole of hydrogen gas reacts with excess nitrogen gas to produce NH3 at 298K and at constant pressure of 1atm
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Prints out your gradebook entries : Create a new gradebook entry for four different CSCI courses. Must use a constructor to initialize the course name - Prints out your gradebook entries
Sulfur trioxide to give nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide : Question- In the gas phase nitric oxide reacts with sulfur trioxide to give nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
Display a table of values : Using Netbeans, use repetition to display a table of values showing x, the square of x and the cube of x. X is to go up to 5.
What temperature dependencies would be expected : Question- What temperature dependencies would be expected according to TS for the rate constants of the following reactions. Assume all vibrational partition functions are unity
What is the maximum possible temperature : The heating element of a water heater in an apartment building has a maximum power output of 28 kW - What is the maximum possible temperature of the hot water that each showering resident receives?


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