Principles of object-oriented programming

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131147662

Develop, test, and execute a graphic application for simulations using Java.

Create a Java application.

Given a set of events, choose the resulting programming actions.

Understand the principles behind Java.

Understand the basic principles of object-oriented programming including classes and inheritance.

Make sure all the options are working. This means that the user choices have already some influence on the game panel. For instance, in there is a difficulty option, and the user chooses "easy", the game runs slowly and it is easy to play.

Make sure your game panel is working with advanced functionality.

We are developing a game where nittany lions are attacking squirrels. We want the Nittany Lions coming in from the left and the squirrels defending themselves with acorns on the right.

Reference no: EM131147662

Questions Cloud

Make the same mistakes when planning for venture financing : Over and over again, entrepreneurs make the same mistakes when planning for venture financing. Experienced investors are alert for the pitfalls. Identify three financing pitfalls and what an entrepreneur can do about them. Respond to two of your clas..
Provide a theoretical ethos to support your view : se levels-of-analysis to explain which side should or, will, prevail. Or use them to explain why an event happened the way that it did. Provide a theoretical ethos to support your view.
Appropriate for reducing the commitment to poorly performing : All of the following approaches are appropriate for reducing the commitment to poorly performing new products except:
How will psychological effects from a major winter ice storm : Complete a short paper answering the question: How will the psychological effects from a major winter ice storm lasting for days be different, or the same, as a major flood lasting for days?
Principles of object-oriented programming : Develop, test, and execute a graphic application for simulations using Java - Create a Java application.
Explain the reasons for the disparities noted : Describe two health outcomes for which India and China have had different experiences in the last half century.- Explain the reasons for the disparities noted.
What concerns would you have for survivors mental health : As the newly appointed emergency manager in your community, what concerns would you have for survivors' mental health well-being? Explain your answer in detail.
Estimate the flow rate in gallons per minute : Gasoline at 20°C flows through a 6-cm-diameter pipe. It is metered by a modern venturi nozzle with d= 4 cm.
Solutions to the technology paradox except : All of the following are solutions to the technology paradox except:


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