Principles of mission command

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Reference no: EM133372506


How did General Anthony Wayne display the 7 principles of mission command (Competence, Mutual trust, Shared understanding, Commander's intent, Mission orders, Disciplined initiative, and Risk acceptance) in the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

Reference no: EM133372506

Questions Cloud

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Types of people who lived during the great depression : There is a great deal of latitude here for you to choose types of individuals. The types can come from occupations, locations, social status, gender, age, etc.
Principles of mission command : How did General Anthony Wayne display the 7 principles of mission command in the Battle of Fallen Timbers?
Describe the flapper lifestyle : Do their opinions represent that they advocate for progressive change or the preservation of traditional American values?
Analyze the oneida declaration of neutrality : Analyze TWO of the Primary Sources below: Oneida Declaration of Neutrality, 1775 olive Branch Petition Boston King recalls fighting for the British.
Describe the indigenous peoples of north america : Discuss why some European settlers used the term "savages" to describe the indigenous "peoples" of North America.
What if england did not pursue their policy of benign : What if England did NOT pursue their policy of 'benign' and/or 'salutary neglect,' and instead, actually enforced such measures.


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