Principles of data management and relational databases

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13500043


- Understand the principles of data management and relational databases. Skills

- Develop a time sheet entry/customer account management software system using relational database software and prepare an associated report detailing the technical and learning issues encountered.

- Work effectively as a team member. Values

- Appreciate the evolving nature of Accounting Information Systems, and how these are reshaping the practice of Accounting.

This assignment is designed to help you to understand how data is stored and information is retrieved in Information Systems. Working together in teams of two, you will develop skills with Microsoft TM Access and Word. It contributes 20% towards the overall assessment in the unit.

It is best if you:

- Read through the entire assignment before you commence work;
- Prepare your report at the same time as you create your software;
- Learn how to capture ‘screen shots', trim the part you want, and then place these screen shots into a Word document before you begin preparing your report;

- Understand that this assignment is not only about learning MS Access, it is also about the approach to developing a new skill.

Relax and enjoy doing this assignment. You can learn a lot. If you make mistakes, that's great! It is by correcting mistakes, or deleting part of the work already done and re-doing it that we learn. In IT attention to detail is most important. This assignment demonstrates the importance of attention to detail, something you can apply to your studies and to your work.

Before you commence work on this assignment, it is strongly suggested you work through one or more of the on-line tutorials at to become familiar with Access 2010. This website has free on-line courses showing you (among many other things) how to create tables (the basic components of a database) and when to use Access and when to use Excel.

Reference no: EM13500043

Questions Cloud

Compute the magnitude and direction of the impulse : A rubber ball (mass 0.27 kg) is dropped from a height of 1.8 m onto the floor. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse imparted by the floor to the ball
Define why ionization energy increases : Explain why ionization energy increases when successive eletrons are removed from a given shell
Principles of financial accounting : Discussion Board Grading Criteria: "A" - Answer the question fully and intelligently, providing meaningful responses to classmates and use the text as support.
What is the car translational kinetic and rotational energy : A car with a total mass of 1.92*10^3 kg has wheels of radius 31.0 cm and moment of inertia 0.830 kg · m2. What is the car's translational kinetic and rotational energy
Principles of data management and relational databases : Develop a time sheet entry/customer account management software system using relational database software and prepare an associated report detailing the technical and learning issues encountered.
Direct materials inventory : Direct materials inventory
Find the radius of the geostationary orbit for neutron star : The weight of a star is usually balanced by two forces: the gravitational force, acting inward, and the force created by nuclear reaction, acting outward. What is the radius of the geostationary orbit for this neutron star
Explain the enthalpy of condensation of water at 373 k : What is the value of q when 7.12g of water vaporizes at 373 K? The enthalpy of condensation of water at 373 K is -40.7 kJ/mol.
Explain hemiacetal starting with 3-methylbutanal yieleding : Show mechanism of acetal formation through hemiacetal starting with 3-methylbutanal yieleding ethanol and h+


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