Reference no: EM133206491 , Length: Word count: 2 Pages
Question 1: Layer l is (younger or older) than layer H, based on the (principle of original horizontalility, or principle of superpositioning, or principles of cross cutting, or principle of inclusion)
Question 2: Layers D-G has been disturbed and partially eroded, based on the (principle of original horizontalility or principle of superpositioning, or principles of cross cutting, or principle of inclusion)
Question 3: Igneous instruction J is (younger or older) than layer A and layer B, based on the (principle of original horizontal or principle of superpositioning or principle of cross cutting) and the (principle of original horizontalility, or principle of superpositioning or principle of inclusion)
Question 4: Igneous dike K is (younger or older) than layers A -G based on the (principle of original horizontal or principle of superpositioning or principle of cross cutting) and the (principle of original horizontalility, or principle of superpositioning or principle of inclusion)
Question 5: Place layers/ intrusions A-K in the appropriate order, from youngest (1) to oldest (11) 1-11 (h,e,b,a,d,i,c,g,k,j,f)
Question 6: Oyster shells, clam shells, driftwood preserved in sandstone (mission viejo area, 40-45 million years old) deposited (on land or underwater) in (active or calm) conditions.
Pieces of well ribs preserved in Mudstone (trabuco canyon area, 28-30 million years ago) deposited (on land or underwater) in (active or calm) conditions.
Fish skeletons preserved in siltstone (chino hills area, 9-10 million years old) deposited (on land or underwater) in (active or calm)
camel leg and bone preserved in dune sand (jurapa hills area, 11,000 years old): deposited (on land or underwater) in (active or calm) conditions.