Principles applied in developing the application

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133014696

ITAP2005 Java Programming Fundamentals

Jones Coffee Shop Order Tracking

Mr. Jones has a coffee shop in which you have James an attendant that takes customer orders at the counter and prepares their drinks. The coffee shop offers variety of drinks such as French Vanilla, Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Expresso. When their particular order is called up, they grab the drink and leave the store. The customers sit in the shop and listen for their order to be called up. If their order is not called they do not leave the store and continue to just sit there and listen for their order. The customer entering the coffee shop is welcomed by Mr. Jones. The list of beverages available in the coffeeshop are as follows.

1. French Vanilla 2.Hot Coffee 3.Hot Chocolate 4.Expresso

Design Requirements:
You are required to create classes, interface with necessary OOP principles applied in developing the application.
Every person has name that gives the identity that belongs to him.
The customer is a person when the drink is ordered. Once the order is made the customer will be waiting for the order in the waiting area and is in the waiting list.
The coffee attendant is a person and has the list of waiting customers. Also the list of the drinks ordered by the customers.
The coffee attendant James workflow of the activities in the coffeeshop as follows.
- James takes the order from the customers and has list of waiting customers.
- James then prepares the drink based on the orders placed by the customers.
- James calls out the customer when the order is ready.

- Once James calls out the customer name they take will exist the CoffeeShop after receiving the order.

General Instructions
• The project is an individual assessment. Please note that the incidents of plagiarism will be penalized.
• Late penalty applies on late submission, 10% per day would be deducted.
Code related Instructions
• Your Java application should include the following:
a. The code should have a consistent, professional and well-organized appearance.
b. Carefully chosen, meaningful identifier names
c. Code is well organized: clear, simple, & DRY (Don't repeat Yourself)
d. Thoughtful comments, where needed, expressed in concise, precise English.
e. Code should compile without errors
• The developed system takes input and handles the error in friendly manner.
• Your program must adhere to all the standard object-oriented program design and implementation guidelines including modularity, reusability, extensibility, maintainability and adaptability.

Attachment:- Java Programming Fundamentals.rar

Reference no: EM133014696

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