Principles and concepts of marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM133340291 , Length: word count:600

Business Options: Crystal Pepsi, Microsoft Zune, Heinz EZ Squirt Colored Ketchup or Friendster

Assignment - Principles and Concepts of Marketing

In this assignment, you will create an original analysis for a business failure for a selected brand. Select only one brand/product failure from those provided below.

Using the information listed, as well as your own research, assess the brand/product failure by completing the PowerPoint template located in the Blackboard online course with your original analysis on the business failure.

At the end of the template, be sure to assess the key marketing principles and concepts the business failed to consider and your recommendations for what the business should have done. Please refer to the grading rubric for this assignment. Your grade will be based on answer quality, logic and organization, and language and writing skills.

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Week 6 Assignment: Principles and Concepts of Marketing Template [PPTX] to your computer and Save As, using the following identifier: LastName_FirstName_Week6_Assignment.

Select one of the following marketing failures:
The Rise and Fall of Circuit City [PDF]. Circuit City was the "go to" place for all our technological needs. Over the years, Circuit City built itself into 1,520 stores in the United States and Canada and 46,000 workers. Competitors popped up, such as Minnesota-based Best Buy and discount club stores such as Costco. As a result of many failures, Circuit City is no longer in business. Sometime during the 1990s, Circuit City lost its way:

It dumped sales of popular appliances.
It let a lot of talented management go to its spinoff store chain, CarMax.
It expanded stores until they became too impersonal and too large.
It became merely reactive and not innovative as Best Buy took off.
It had too many stores in bad locations.
It stopped paying commissions to its sales force and then fired 3,400 of its most experienced salespeople in an attempt to save money.
There was a lot of leadership turnover.
Its commercial credit became tight.
The Downfall of Toys R Us - Don't Blame Amazon!

Founded in April 1948 by Charles Lazarus, an American entrepreneur, Toys R Us became the most well-known and successful international toy retailer. At its peak, Toy R Us was considered a category killer. In 2018, seventy years later, the giant company filed for bankruptcy and closed its stores worldwide.

4 Reasons Amazon's Fire Phone Was a Flop.

Amazon has been guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth's most customer-centric company, best employer, and safest place to work. Their name has become synonymous with online shopping and discount shopping and on the forefront for most of their consumers' online needs.

However, not all endeavors have been successful. In 2014 Amazon released its Amazon Fire Phone. Consumers and analysts were expecting Amazon to follow its familiar playbook of offering a cheap, but good-enough product that could undercut other devices already on the market. However, the phoned ended up costing the company a loss of over 170 million.
Google Shuts Failed Social Network Google+.

Google's primary mission is to provide people around the world with a search engine to find information, learn about topics of interest, and make important decisions. As technology evolves, they claim they will continue to help everyone find the information they're looking for.

As the years have progressed, Google has evolved to offering many different technological items such as web-based search tools, advertising services, communication and publishing tools, map-related products, statistical tools, business-oriented products, developer tools, security tools, desktop applications, computer products, and cellular devices. In 2011 they even developed their social media platform Google+, which was meant to rival Facebook. The idea was for the platform to be synchronized with all other Google created products and software services for seamless integration. However, things did not go as planned. By 2019 Google decided to pull funding in order to reallocate it to more profitable avenues.

Complete the PowerPoint Presentation template containing a minimum of four slides, discussing your chosen marketing failure.
Save your document as MKT100_LastName_FirstName_Week6_Assignment (example: MKT100_Doe_John_Week6_Assignment).
Submit the completed template by clicking the title to this assignment.

Reference no: EM133340291

Questions Cloud

Identify and explain the reputational damage the company : Type "United Airlines Fiasco" into Google and describe what results you see on the first page. Identify and explain the reputational damage the company faced
What is the project discounted payback period : Expected net cash inflows of $14,000 per year for 7 years, and a cost of capital of 13%. What is the project's discounted payback period?
What are implications of selecting these specific profile : describe the target audience characteristics/profile elements that should be considered when defining the new target population. What are the implications
The actual cost for materials : The actual cost for materials used was $4,800,000, and the amount budgeted for those materials was $3,800,000
Principles and concepts of marketing : Crystal Pepsi, Microsoft Zune, Heinz EZ Squirt Colored Ketchup or Friendster - create an original analysis for a business failure for a selected brand
What prices should you charge to maximize profit : Suppose consumers are not forward looking (i.e., suppose they are unaware that prices may drop at the end of the season). What prices should you charge
Design a social media strategy for the online mba program : Design a social media strategy for the online MBA program. You want to increase the conversations between current students, alumni and prospective students
Organizations should follow to plan and develop budgets : Discuss the pros and cons of the two basic philosophies that organizations should follow to plan and develop their budgets.
What are the opportunities and risks there : Please add a list of evaluative criteria you select to evaluate Thailand for its market potential. What are the opportunities and risks there?


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