Primary source of qualitative information

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Reference no: EM133678768


"Interviews are frequently the primary source of the qualitative information required to comprehend the topic being studied. According to Merriam and Tisdell (2016), interviews can vary greatly in terms of organization, from fully unstructured conversations where nothing is prearranged to ones where questions and their order are predetermined. As you mentioned, grounded theory, case studies, phenomenology, narrative inquiry, and qualitative descriptive are the five methods of qualitative research design (Maul et al., 2020). To conduct qualitative research, you must choose at least one study design strategy that is suitable for your problem. It is typical for researchers to employ a variety of methodologies in their work. Since these frameworks are based on well-established philosophical foundations, Lietz

Reference no: EM133678768

Questions Cloud

Efforts to increase the impact of health service innovations : Scaling up is: efforts to increase the impact of health service innovations successfully tested in pilot or experimental projects so as to benefit more people
Primary cost considerations include infrastructure costs : The primary cost considerations include infrastructure costs, licensing fees, and ongoing operational expenses.
Explain how you would use flexibility : Explain how you would use flexibility, your initiative skill, and digital tools to overcome that challenge.
Primary reason for problems that organizations face : What is a primary reason for problems that organizations face? failure to anticipate or respond to change properly failure to make change
Primary source of qualitative information : Interviews are frequently the primary source of the qualitative information required to comprehend the topic being studied.
Explain how to calculate the recommended metric : Explain how to calculate the recommended metric. Explain why the chosen metric is an effective option for evaluating the training program.
Tenets of healthcare business intelligence : MHA 605-Analyze how the five tenets of healthcare business intelligence promote collaboration among departments and the steps management
What is substantive due process : What is substantive due process? What purpose does substantive due process serve to an individual involved in the judicial system?
Describe an incident involving a real ethical concern : Research, select, and describe an incident involving a real ethical concern or event related to criminal justice.


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