Reference no: EM133358327
Children's Hospital has a reputation for having the lowest turnover rate among the six hospitals located in the area, despite the fact that its average wages are approximately 10 percent lower than those offered by its competitors. In addition, Children's Hospital has the highest rate of employee engagement. In contrast, University Hospital, which provides the largest compensation and benefit packages in the area, has the highest rate of turnover and the lowest rate of employee engagement.
Dori Shimbuku, a human resources consultant hired by University Hospital to study its recruitment and retention patterns, comes to the conclusion that University employees, including its leaders and managers, lack commitment.
Case 1.
What does Dori mean? What should she recommend University Hospital do to increase employee and leadership commitment?
How might commitment be measured?
Exercise 1.
Several online articles discuss employee engagement. Choose two of them and develop a presentation that answers the following questions:
What are the primary causes of high employee engagement?
What is the relationship between an employee's level of engagement and his relationship with his boss?
What practices should senior leaders develop to build employee engagement in their organizations?
The online resources on Employee Engagement included at the end of this chapter may be useful for this exercise.