Price discrimination from your personal experience

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133519728


Movie theaters, airlines, and other businesses often charge customers different prices based on time of the day, age, and purchase dates. Why?

Provide an example of price discrimination from your personal experience that you thought was unfair. Do you still believe this price discrimination is unjustifiable?

Reference no: EM133519728

Questions Cloud

Productive efficiency means : The U.S. has decided to impose a 15% tax on cheese that is imported from the European Union. Productive efficiency means
Discrimination by firm with market power : Considering price discrimination by a firm with market power (different groups charged different prices),
Identify complements to and substitutes for product-service : Identify complements to and substitutes for the product or service you identified. How do these other products or services influence your purchasing decisions?
Define natural monopoly : Define natural monopoly and discuss four alternative policy solutions to a natural monopoly and Discuss how mergers are addressed in the Department of Justice
Price discrimination from your personal experience : Movie theaters, airlines, and other businesses often charge customers different prices based on time of the day, age, and purchase dates. Why?
Facing to raise price of an elastic and inelastic good : Analyze the challenges a store would be facing to raise the price of an elastic and inelastic good.
Price discrimination from personal experience : Provide an example of price discrimination from your personal experience that you thought was unfair.
Preparedness-students have the necessary tools-materials : Preparedness: Students have the necessary tools, materials, or resources to engage with the topic effectively.
What is professional response : As a medical biller and coder it is important to have knowledge in all of the systems and their functions.


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