Preventing cancers in the united states

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Reference no: EM1361494

Can you further assist me, while reading your response you sent to me I had a few questions can you clarify it for me. your quick response is needed in 75-100 word APA with viable references please explain.

Even with all of this progress that has resulted in a decline in the mortality rate from cancers, the United States still has cancer incidence rates that are among the highest in the world. Males have a 47% chance of getting cancer, and females have a 38% chance. This is too high, and it should sound alarms that something is amiss in the United States. Why do we have cancer rates that are so high? It is because of this question that I would argue that incidence rates are a better overall measure of progress against cancer. The mortality rates would be nil if there were no cancer at all, and the survival rate would have no meaning. To make true progress, one must get to the root of the problem. What is the root of the problem? Well, we know that tobacco and too much sun can lead to cancers, but are people aware that obesity, lack of physical activity, and a diet that is deplete of nutrients also contribute to cancer? According to Campbell (2006), "Adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle can prevent the majority of cancers in the United States" (p. 13).


Campbell, T. (2006). The China study: Startling implications for diet, weight loss and long-term health. Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, Inc.

Reference no: EM1361494

Questions Cloud

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Preventing cancers in the united states : According to Campbell (2006), "Adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle can prevent the majority of cancers in the United States"
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Average customer payment : A Corporation is considering on using a lock box system to speed up collections from its customers on the East Coast. A bank in Philadelphia will provide the service for an yearly fee of $25,000 plus ten cents per transaction
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Alternative forms of treatment : What are your thoughts about alternative forms of treatment, especially holistic and natural remedies that are supposed to treat forms of cancer?


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