Presents requesting contraception

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133749135


Chief complaint: A 25 year old female presents requesting contraception. She would like to discuss her options. She gave birth to her second child four months ago. The birth was without complication. She is exclusively breastfeeding. Allergies: NKA Current Medications: Multivitamin, daily Pertinent History: Migraine headaches with aura Thalassemia Surgical History: None Family History: Sister with cervical cancer (diagnosed age 38; living) and grandmother with history of uterine cancer (diagnosed at age 64; passed at age 67) Social History: Patient lives with husband, four month old baby and 5 year old daughter. Denies use of nicotine or alcohol ROS: Incorporated into HPI Objective: VS - BP: 121/82 mmHg, HR: 86, RR: 16, temp 98.6, oxygenation 100%, BMI 27 kg/m2 Combined oral contraception Vaginal ring Progestin-only pills Contraceptive patch Medroxyprogesterone injection Etonogestrel implant Levonorgestrel intrauterine device Copper intrauterine device.

Reference no: EM133749135

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