Presentation on the effectiveness of digital marketing

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Reference no: EM132603198

BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation - Sydney Metro College

Topic : The Effectiveness of Digital Marketing

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

1. Identify and describe three ways that you could use to collect information to assist you to get feedback on a presentation and to review your presentation based on the feedback. Explain how you can use the information to review your presentation.

2. Identify two examples of legislation/regulations that should be considered in planning and delivering a presentation. For each one you identify, explain how the legislation or regulation impacts on a presentation.

3. Identify two examples of organisational obligations and requirements that should be considered in planning and delivering a presentation. For each one you identify, explain how the organisational obligation or requirement impacts on a presentation.

4. Describe three principles of effective communication. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

5. Outline two reasons why a presenter may choose to use presentation aids and materials to support presentations.

6. Describe two types of presentation aids that can be used to support presentation.
For each one, explain how you would use the presentation aid or material to support the presentation.

7. Describe two types of presentation materials that can be used to support presentation.
For each one, explain how you would use the presentation aid or material to support the presentation.

Assessment Task 2: Presentation planning project

Complete the following activities:

1. Plan presentation

a) First of all, you will need to identify a presentation topic to conduct a presentation of approximately 15 minutes. Review the information below to assist you in choosing presentation topic.

Presentation topic

Occupation of interest
Your presentation could focus on an occupation that is of interest to you and that a student studying your course could pursue following the completion of their course. Your presentation should include a range of information about the occupation/s. For example, key roles and responsibilities, key skills required to complete the job, job outlook both in Australia and overseas, training required and average salaries.

Topic of interest
Your presentation could focus on a topic that you are studying in your course and that is of particular interest to you. Your presentation should address key concepts related to the topic. For example, if you are studying marketing, your topic could be the effectiveness of digital marketing and include a range of information about its purpose, contrast with other forms of marketing and statistics about its effectiveness. Similarly, if you are studying human resources, you may choose to develop a presentation about the use of social media for recruitment.

As you will have to provide a presentation of 15 minutes, you should make sure that you will be able to access enough information and prepare sufficient material for your presentation.

b) Once you have chosen your presentation topic you need to review the presentation requirements outlined below and then complete the presentation plan template provided to you in order to prepare for your presentation.

Presentation requirements
Assume that the audience for your presentation is a diverse group of individuals (female and male and culturally diverse, including those whose first language is not English) who do not have a general knowledge of the subject matter.
As your presentation is to be conducted on-site at your studying location, you must also consider the location and the resources that are available to you to conduct your presentation. Your assessor will ensure that you are provided with this information as part of this assessment task.
Your presentation should commence with an introduction regarding the purpose of the presentation, as well as an outline of the content you will cover and the desired outcome of the presentation. You should also allow time for questions, which may be during or at the end of the presentation depending on the type of presentation you choose to provide

Presentation format/strategy/delivery method
Consider the best method of presenting your topic to the identified target group. Consider options such as discussions, oral presentation, demonstration and case studies. In addition, consider the most suitable presentation format and delivery methods such as a verbal presentation only, a presentation incorporating video and/or visuals or a presentation using storyboards. Your chosen format/strategy/delivery method will also need to take into account the audience, as well as resources and location advised by your assessor.

Presentation aids and materials
As your presentation is to be engaging and informative, consider presentation aids and materials and techniques that can make your presentation interesting. Remember that a presentation aid is defined as something to assist you to make the presentation and presentation materials are something to provide to the audience. You must create at least one of the presentation aids or materials using a business software package such as PowerPoint or Microsoft word or any other relevant software package.

Your choice of presentation aids and materials will also depend on the available resources advised to you by your assessor.

You must include at least one presentation aid and one presentation material in your presentation as outlined above, as well as practical examples to illustrate the information you provide to add interest to the presentation.

Communication techniques
As you will need to use effective communication techniques during the presentation, consider the following for inclusion in your presentation:
• A planned opener to engage audience interest
• Planned techniques to ensure continuing audience interest throughout the presentation - you should identify and use at least one.

Presentation helpers
Assume that you need assistance with your presentation, for example, someone to introduce you or by handing out materials you have developed. This should be a fellow student.
You will need to brief this person to assist you in your presentation in the next part of the assessment and advise them of their roles and responsibilities within the presentation plan template, ensuring your instructions are clear and easy to follow.

c) Next submit your completed Presentation Plan template via email to your assessor. Your assessor will review your work and provide you with approval to proceed to preparing your presentation in the next task. Your assessor may also suggest changes, which will be provided to you in writing via email. You will be expected to make any suggested changes.

d) Now prepare your presentation. This will include researching the topic you have chosen and preparing your presentation according to the presentation strategy and format you have chosen, as well as the presentation aids and materials that you have identified as most suitable for your target audience.
Send the presentation aids and materials via email to your assessor prior to the presentation. Where the presentation aids and materials cannot be sent, electronically, submit them in hard copy.
Make sure you practice your presentation prior to delivery.
e) The final part of the assessment requires to you identify how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your presentation. You should choose two techniques that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of your presentation and then prepare the associated documents. For example, if you choose to develop a survey you will need to develop a short questionnaire that you can provide to participants after the presentation.

The purpose of the evaluation is to seek feedback on participants understanding of the ideas and concepts you presented, as well as their ideas on how you can improve your performance.

f) Prior to your presentation, you must submit your PowerPoints and evaluation documentation to your assessor via email.

Assessment Task 3: Presentation delivery and evaluation project

Task summary
This assessment task requires you to conduct your presentation and then to evaluate the presentation using the presentation review techniques and to identify changes you could make based on the feedback.
Your assessor will observe you completing this task and will video your presentation and the recording will be kept as evidence that you have completed this task.
This task will be completed in the simulated work environment at SMC.
Complete the following activities:

1. Prior to delivering the presentation, you are required to meet with the presentation helper (another student) to advise them of their role and responsibilities within the presentation. Clearly outline the tasks to be completed and then confirm that your instruction have been understand through asking the presentation helper to confirm their understanding of their role and responsibilities. Your assessor will observe you briefing the student and you will be assessed on your ability to provide clear instructions on the role and responsibilities of the presentation helper.
2. You are then required to deliver your presentation ensuring that you:
• Open your presentation with the opener you planned to engage the audience.
• Introduce your presentation, including:
a. Purpose
b. Outline of content to be delivered
c. Desired outcome/s.
d. Advising your audience that they will be able to ask questions during and the end of the presentation according to your presentation plan.
3. During the presentation you must:
• Clearly deliver the presentation content according to the presentation plan and in the time specified.
• Use the presentation aids and materials you have prepared and to ensure that key concepts and ideas are conveyed to your audience.
• Use effective communication skills to clearly convey information including:
o Speaking clearly
o Using appropriate non-verbal communication, for example, gestures and eye contact.
• Use persuasive communication techniques to ensure audience interest as identified in your presentation plan.
• Monitor participant's non-verbal and verbal communication during the presentation to ensure their ongoing interest and understanding and attainment of your presentation outcomes. and then use planned engagement technique/s (as identified in the presentation plan) at a suitable point to assist with continuing engagement. Note your assessor in the role of one of the audience will give a indication that they more be bored or uninterested and you should use this as a signal to use your planned engagement technique. Your assessor will asses you on this skill.
• Summarise key concepts and ideas throughout the presentation to aid participant understanding.
• Provide a conclusion to the presentation.
• Provide opportunities for questions and respond as required.
4. At the end of the presentation, you will need to provide each person with the documentation you prepared to evaluate your presentation. You will need to ensure that this is completed and returned to you immediately after the presentation, as you will analyse these surveys in final part of this assessment.

5. The final part of this assessment requires you to analyse and use the feedback from the surveys to develop a short evaluation report to send to your assessor as a word document via email and that addresses the following as a minimum:
a. What was the overall feedback from your presentation?
b. What positive comments were made, if any?
c. What suggestions for improvement were made, if any?
d. Based on the feedback, what aspects of your presentation would you change, including changes to ideas and concepts presented?
e. What was the overall feedback from your presentation?

As a guide your evaluation report addressing the above questions should be approximately a page.

You should also attach copies of any scanned documentation (e.g. surveys) completed by participants to the email to support findings as documented in your email.

6. Finally using the feedback from the evaluation, update your presentation and presentation aids and materials and send a copy to your assessor via email. In your covering email, provide a brief summary of changes you have made in response to the feedback. If the presentation aids and materials are in hard copy form only, submit these in person to your assessor.

Attachment:- Make a presentation.rar

Reference no: EM132603198

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