Presentation on marketing strategy for cineplex

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM133064609

Prepare Presentation on Marketing Strategy for Cineplex

What is Cineplex selling ?


What would be the key attribute associated to Cineplex?
What products/services is Cineplex selling?
Is Cineplex house of brands or branded house?
What is Cineplex using for brand management (More volume, more margin/unit)?
What is Cineplex brand position?
What pricing strategy relates to Cineplex products prices (dynamic, 6 Sigma, price bundling)?
How is Cineplex setting the prices

Proposed future improvements
What can Cineplex do to hold larger market share?
How can Cineplex extend the brand?

Who is Cineplex selling to
B2B and B2C
Buyer Behavior
Client perception
Competitors market positioning
Targeted revenue opportunities

Proposed future improvements

Revenue Growth Strategy for Cineplex

Revenue Growth pattern: Vertical growth or horizontal?
Revenue Growth strategies: buy growth, partner for growth, create growth internally (organic growth) - Need numbers
What are ways of growing value being used
What quadrant of Ansoff method Cineplex falls on?

Proposed future improvements
What can Cineplex do better?

How is Cineplex selling ?

Non digital
Digital Channels
How is Cineplex launching new products?
What is the key driver of innovation?

Proposed future improvements

Reference no: EM133064609

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