Presentation of resolution of risk management

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133210041

Task: Presentation of Resolution of Risk Management

Your assessor will observe you as you present information to required personnel about the resolution of risk management of at least one risk in the work area.

Required personnel refer to duty holders within the work area who were consulted and/or participated in managing the resolved risk.

Information provided can be based on the risk management conducted in Workplace Project Task 3 and Workplace Project Task 4 or any other recently concluded risk management conducted in the work area.

You will be assessed on your practical skills to:

Present information about consultation and participation outcomes to at least one relevant personnel according to consultation arrangements outlined in the WHS Management Plan completeed in Workplace Project Task 2(its link is mentioned below).
If you are providing information based on a risk management process conducted in your organisation, then you must access documents of consultation and participation used throughout the risk management process and documents that provide the outcomes of the risk management.

Presents information on the resolution of risk management using structure and language suitable for the audience
Review Workplace Project Task 6 - Observation Form before starting this task. This form outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily completee this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.

Reference no: EM133210041

Questions Cloud

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Presentation of resolution of risk management : Risk management conducted in Workplace Project Task 3 and Workplace Project Task 4 or any other recently concluded risk management conducted in the work area
Implement to reinforce those through recognition : Identify and explain relevant steps to terminate underperforming staff (Dismissing employee) and Research and provide at least five key features/characteristics
Write a report project management methodology : Write a report, recommending a project management methodology for each project and your reasons for your recommendation.
Expand the business of company harry rosen : Suggest the most suitable market entry mode such as exporting, licensing, franchising, joint venture, wholly owned subsidiary, etc. Explain rationale.
Whether the performance management system is easy to access : Whether the performance management system is easy to access and use. If yes, please explain how is it easy to access? If not, how should it be fixed


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