Presentation and analysis of new information

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133102496

Research Dissertation Structure

The nature of research relating to museums, galleries and heritage is very varied and, particularly at this time, there is no single structure that will suit all dissertations.

• Acknowledgements;
o as appropriate, not in word count, remember not to thank those who wish to remain anonymous!
• Abstract

o not included in the word count but it should be maximum 200 words. Remember to look again at the Guide For Writing Abstracts that we used for MCH8501;
• Contents page(s);
• Introduction
o think about an interesting way to entice your reader in - maybe a reference to why this is a topical/timely/important subject to be writing on
o include an overview of research question/statement, aims and objectives, signpost structure of assignment;
• Literature review;
• Situational analysis;
o include brief background information (e.g. about a particular venue or event that your reader will need to understand the context of your work)
o depending on your project this might be included in your introduction, your literature review or your methodology chapter or it might be a separate section;
• Methodology chapter
o include methodology (i.e. epistemology/philosophical position - e.g. social constructivism), detail about methods and process of data collection (e.g. interviews), methods of data analysis (e.g. content analysis), limitations and problems of approach, ethical issues;
• Main body
o this section can be divided into two or more sections and the way this is divided up is entirely up to you - there isn't a ‘right' way to do this
o it can be divided by case study (e.g. if you have two venues as your focus you might have one chapter on one and one on another)
o it can be by method (e.g. one chapter analysing the results of an online survey, one on analysis of interviews, one on an analysis of a virtual exhibition)
o it can be by theme (e.g. if your dissertation focussed on the construction of gendered identities in the V&A's online offer you might have one chapter on ‘Women of the Past', one of ‘Women of the Present' and ‘Women of the
o include presentation and analysis of new information - it is really important to move your writing beyond description and to show your critical thinking;
• Conclusions
o should refer to your original research question, aims and objectives
o this section might (but need not) include a very practical element depending on your topic (e.g. a summary of best practice; a new code of practice; a toolkit; or a learning activity)
o discussion of limitations of your study and ideas for future research;
• List of references
o ordered alphabetically, one list of all sources, not in word count;

Attachment:- Dissertation Structure.rar

Reference no: EM133102496

Questions Cloud

Describe the key differences in solving a problem : Describe the key differences in solving a problem with that model versus with a simulation model. In your opinion, which is more effective?
Check the data flow diagram for accuracy : Discuss how you can quality check the data flow diagram for accuracy.
Gainsharing plan or a profit-sharing plan : As a consultant, you have been asked to recommend either a gainsharing plan or a profit-sharing plan for employees who work in the four regional distribution an
What amount do you now need in your retirement account : Assume that your first withdrawal will be made the day you retire. Under this assumption, what amount do you now need in your retirement account
Presentation and analysis of new information : Research Dissertation Structure - think about an interesting way to entice your reader in - maybe a reference to why this is a topical/timely/important subject
Difference between cofc and tofc : What is the main difference between COFC and TOFC?
Analyses of the external and internal environments : Conduct the following analyses of the external and internal environments of the Bayer Pharma business:
External and internal environments of the bayer pharma : Conduct the following analyses of the external and internal environments of the Bayer Pharma business:
Evaluate the company intended strategy : For the Bayer Pharma company please reflect on the following: 1. Analyse and critically evaluate the company's intended strategy.


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