Present the project to the board of directors

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13923319

Assignment 5: VoIP Part 3 (Quality)

Suppose the VoIP project sponsor wants you to present the project to the board of directors. Particularly, the sponsor would like you to discuss the quality of the project. It is worth noting that during the deployment of the VoIP system the quality control team tracked forty (40) of the deployments. The following problems were documented:

  • Five (5) of the deployments experienced delays due to the unique configuration of the office space which required modification to install the proper wiring.
  • Twelve (12) of the users called the help desk to get additional training on the new system. 
  • Two (2) of the new devices were defective.

Prepare a fifteen to twenty (15-20) slide digital presentation with the software of your choice (e.g., PowerPoint, Google slides, Prezi, etc.) in which you:

  1. Explain quality and its importance to project success.
  2. Explain quality management planning.
  3. Contrast quality assurance and quality control.
  4. Describe the different quality activities involved in this project and each of their outcomes.
  5. Describe Pareto diagrams and their use in project management.
  6. Present the data in the provided scenario using a Pareto diagram (Use the software of your choosing to prepare the diagram).
  7. Use appropriate key points and / or graphics to professionally convey the information.
  8. Include presenter notes to explain each slide.
  9. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Reference no: EM13923319

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