Present the principles of the bullwhip effect

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132926063 , Length: 2500 Words

Supply Chain Management


2017 was a year of testing for Blockchain technology and its application to SCM.

- Alibaba teamed up with PwC to explore the use of blockchain to fight food fraud, which involves selling lower quality foods and often with counterfeit ingredients. (Bindi, 2017).

- The Swiss start-up Modum teamed with the University of Zurich to design a system to ensure the safe delivery of pharmaceuticals under exact temperature, humidity and light conditions in order to ensure usability. Popper, N., & Lohr, S. (2017)

- Denver-based startup Bext360's recorded timestamps and the value of transactions on a real-time basis, to bring complete transparency to the coffee supply chain. Kolodny, L. (2017).

Assessment Task

Present your appraisal of how Blockchain technology could measurably reduce the impact of the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain Management. Use a Commercial example to illustrate your answer.

A report that should be no longer than 2400 words (excluding cover page, figures and references).

Twofold purpose of the assessment

- To develop your ability to present the principles of the Bullwhip Effect, how it can be measured in practice and critically discuss how the adoption of specific practices can help mitigate its impact.

- To examine the potential impact of Blockchain technologies in the field of Supply Chain Management to further reduce the negative impact of the Bullwhip Effect.

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Reference no: EM132926063

Questions Cloud

Potential implications of over-promising : How can a long-term care facility create its own pitfalls with marketing?
What is the current market value of this preferred stock : If you know that investors require a 12 percent rate of return on this preferred stock, what is the current market value of this preferred stock
Comex group-a mexican firm goes international : Read Case "Comex Group: A Mexican Firm goes International (Mexica)" from your textbook and address the following questions.
What is the cost that should be capitalized : Invoice price of the equipment $179,350. What is the cost that should be capitalized for the automatic scorekeeping equipment
Present the principles of the bullwhip effect : Develop your ability to present the principles of the Bullwhip Effect, how it can be measured in practice and critically discuss how the adoption of specific
What is the present value of the annuity : What is the present value of the following annuity - $822 every quarter year at the end of the quarter for the next 8 years
What is the minimum number of ledgers it needs : If a company has three bank accounts for processing payments, what is the minimum number of ledgers it needs
Calculate the balance in the retained earnings account : Kay Corporation reported a net income of $203,670 for 2020. Calculate the balance in the retained earnings account at December 31, 2020
MGT 6410 Strategy Assignment : MGT 6410 Strategy Assignment Help and Solution, Abu Dhabi School of Management - Assessment Writing Service - Critically analyse the strategic positioning


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