Present an analysis of the netflix culture deck

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Reference no: EM133223375

Strategic Partnering with the C-Suite Assignment - Lithonia Making Your Organization The Place to Be PPT

Assignment - Video Presentation - Making Your Organization THE Place to Be

Background - The Netflix Freedom & Responsibility Culture Deck has been hailed as one of the most important documents to come out of Silicon Valley. Its origins, however, were much less aspirational. For Reed Hastings and Patty McCord, it was an iterative tool. It was not designed to be pretty or to have a place on the world stage. It was an attempt to define what Netflix was as a company - not in terms of a business plan or strategy, but from a "people perspective." It was an effort to articulate all they had learned about what it takes to create a high performing culture. It also sent a message to both current and potential employees: "If you want to work for Netflix, here's what you're in for. If this doesn't look like something you want to be a part of, then Netflix is not for you."

Scenario - The work you have been doing in the HR concentration of your MBA program has been getting a lot of attention around the office lately. You've been having some great conversations with colleagues and challenging the perceptions of what HR can do as a strategic growth driver in the organization. In fact, all this buzz has caught the attention of your CEO.

Your first meeting with the Executive Team in which you discussed your HR Snapshot and presented a candid view of the needs and opportunities (Assignment 1) was well received. The CEO has heard you talking about the Netflix Culture Deck, and has asked you to lead a meeting to discuss whether a resource like that would be an effective tool in defining and communicating the cultural and talent management principles in your own organization.

Instructions - You have decided to organize your PowerPoint presentation in two parts:

1. In the first part of your presentation, you will use 4 to 5 slides to present an analysis of the Netflix Culture Deck to share with the CEO and Executive Team. In drafting your analysis, your objective is not to just re-state its contents, but to assess which of the Netflix practices are most relevant for growth at your organization.

a. Identify the three most exciting and relevant practices in the Netflix Culture Deck. Explain why you selected them and the potential benefits and challenges of implementing these practices at your organization. If applicable, indicate how each practice you chose might need adaptation to succeed in your workplace culture.

b. You also know that your CEO respects the teachings of Jack Welch and that the three practices you've chosen to focus on may differ from those that Jack advocates. As you present each Netflix practice, compare it with Jack's ideas on that topic. Explain how it aligns with Jack's principles or, if it does not align, explain why the Netflix practice makes sense in the context of your business and/or today's marketplace.

2. In the second part of your presentation, you will use 4 to 5 slides to outline recommendations for talent management practices that could help to transform your organization into the place to be.

You can organize this part of your deck as you wish, but it must include the following:

a. Recommend 2 or 3 transformative practices. These could be practices presented in the Netflix Culture Deck or they could be different practices.

b. Explain:

i. How the ideas you are presenting will transform your organization

ii. What it will take to implement them, including:

-team structures that may need to be changed

-management capabilities

-compensation and access to talent pools

-timelines and milestones for a rollout

iii. How success and ROI will be measured

3. You know you have to get the Executive Team excited, so have some fun. Be bold, but not reckless. Explain why your ideas are right for your company, for the labor market in which you compete, and how they relate to the current organizational culture and norms. Bring your enthusiasm and show your 4 E's + P, as described by Jack in Chapter 6 of Winning.

Reference no: EM133223375

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