Reference no: EM132583217 , Length: 300 Words
Topic - Transportation
The purpose of this letter of transmittal is to present a current issue regarding modes of transportation and parking issues for the students and faculty at Lethbridge Community College. The goal of presenting this issue is to inform and organize other modes of transportation and parking for students and faculty. We can see that not only students are affected by the minimal available parking spaces but also the staff and faculty of the Lethbridge Community College. We aim to propose several ideas to control the availability of parking and create a more organized and informative transportation option to and from the Lethbridge Community College.
While doing initial research we have discovered one of the biggest problems is how students get to and from school using public transportation and serious lack of parking that is available at a reasonable cost. We will approach other modes of transportation and compare how effective those are compared to dollar value. If more modes of transportation are readily available to get to and from the Lethbridge Community College, it could alleviate some strain on the parking system. The other modes of transportation could come in forms of a ride-share program, bus, taxi, bicycle and walking.
Our research aims to find information regarding how many are affected by the issue, how long students typically take to find a parking space, and how long it takes students to commute using different modes of transportation. Also, we plan to look at the cost of all modes of transportation and find a resolution for the problems at hand.
Transportation is an important problem to solve at the Lethbridge College because evidence shows that not only is it students but faculty and security. Given that more and more students each year are going to be attending the Lethbridge College, the problem is going to get worse.
Resources for this problem can come from Lethbridge College faculty and transportation workers. An evaluation and scan of the problem will give us an understanding of the transportation problem.