Present a client teaching activity

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Reference no: EM132288222

Assessment - Client Teaching scenarios and detailed instructions.

Scenario One

Jaxson is a 5 year old boy who lives with both parents and his older sister in the suburbs of a large city. Jaxson was diagnosed with Type I diabetes 2 years ago which has been well managed by his parents. He is developing normally and is about to start pre-school. As he will need to become more independent in the management of his diabetes he requires further education on how to test his blood glucose level (BGL). It is your role as the practice nurse of his local medical centre to teach him how to do this.

Scenario Two
Charlotte is a 13 year old girl who lives with her father and her younger brother in a small house in the suburbs. Her mother passed away four years ago and Charlotte often stays with her grandmother during the week to be closer to school. Charlotte has made an appointment with the school nurse because she is concerned about when menstruation will commence. You are the school nurse working with Charlotte today.

Scenario Three
You are the registered nurse working in a Women's health centre. Jessica is a healthy 36 year old mother of 2 young children aged 4 and 7. Jessica has become more aware of the risk of breast cancer due to her maternal aunt's recent diagnosis and subsequent treatment and she is seeking education regarding how she can be proactive in her health care.

Assessment Instructions

For this assessment students are required to choose one (1) of the scenarios outlined below and present a client teaching activity (CTA) that is culturally and developmentally appropriate. The nursing and teaching process must be adhered to and the following points must be included:

Structure and presentation
• Adhere to the SNM assignment guidelines for semester 1- 2017 e.g. NO headers and footers, page numbers Top RH, margin sizes, spacing, font, word count etc.
• Use the electronic Turnitin covers sheet with ELP (link is in the assessment 2 folder).
• Please identify which scenario you have addressed in the Turnitin title when you submit, eg CTA scenario 1 .
• If you have been granted an extension please attach the completed form as the last page of the assignment.
• Ensure that you have good paragraph structure e.g. one topic per paragraph, refer to Grellier and Goerke textbook and NCS1102 notes for a refresher on this.
• This is an academic paper so should be written in the 3rd person.
• Succinct introduction and conclusion. The introduction should include a brief overview of the chosen client but do not copy verbatim as this is an unnecessary use of your word count. You may include the scenario as an appendix if you wish.
• No new material to be included in the conclusion

General Requirements

Cover Page

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
The opening paragraph of your essay should inform the reader what the assignment is about. State specifically what you intend to discuss and the order in which you will present your ideas. It provides an overview of your ideas.

2. Body of the assignment
These paragraphs develop the themes mentioned in your introduction and form the body of the essay. A paragraph should develop one main idea and should contain a topic sentence which indicates clearly what the paragraph is about. Writing a topic sentence will assist you in keep in to the point of the paragraph.

2.1 Assessment
You have discussed the following to fully address the content:
• The Assessment section will include establishing client's cognitive and developmental stage including psychomotor / physical abilities against at least one applicable theorist.
• Identified all areas that influence the situation to ensure the teaching is successful: Has identified the expectations of learning, learning needs, motivation to learn, ability to learn, developmental capacities, teaching environment and resources for learning.
In Scenario 1 and 2 students may discuss parent teaching but the focus is on teaching the child so he / she can independently provide their own care.

Developmental capacities appropriate for client linked to theorist.

Scenario 1
Freud: phallic stage, Erikson: initiative versus guilt, Piaget: Preoperational period, intuitive, egocentric, heteronomous morality - following rules of those in authority, Kohlberg: Level 1 - pre-conventional stage. Stage 1 - obedience orientation, obeys rules to avoid punishment. Piaget is the most appropriate theorist for this scenario.

Scenario 2
Freud: genital stage, Erikson: identity vs role confusion, Piaget: formal operations period: stage 1 pre conventional - emerging ability to think in abstract, stage 2 conventional - ability to order ideas and possibilities, stage 3 true formal thought - construction of all possible combinations Kohlberg: Level II -conventional level. Stage 3, good boy - nice girl orientation, seeks good relations and approval from family, stage 4 - society maintaining orientation, obedience to law and order in society, shows respect for authority.
The most appropriate theorists to use are Piaget or Erikson.

Scenario 3
Erikson: generativity vs stagnation, Piaget: formal operational thought, Horn: crystallised vs fluid intelligence, Kohlberg: Level III - post conventional stage, stage 5 - social contract orientation, concern with individual rights and legal contract, Havighurst: assisting teenagers to become responsible adults, achieving social and civic responsibility, satisfactory performance in occupation, develop leisure-time activities, accepting and adjusting to physiological changes, aging parents The most relevant theorist for the student to use is Piaget & Horn to present information tailored to Jessica's cognitive capacity.

Physical changes: comprehensive discussion that is appropriate to age and developmental stage.
Cognitive changes: comprehensive discussion that is appropriate to age and developmental stage.
Psychosocial changes: comprehensive discussion that is appropriate to age and developmental stage.
2.2 Nursing Diagnosis
Provide a problem statement that reflects the client's specific learning needs.
Below are examples,
Knowledge deficit (cognitive): understands the concept of menstruation
Knowledge deficit (Psychomotor): able to take own blood sample to test BGL
2.3 Plan
Develop one short-term and one long-term client learning objective and consider timing as well as teaching materials to maintain the client's attention. Select appropriate teaching methods based on the client's learning needs and your assessment of the client.
Objectives should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timing)
Appropriate teaching methods to guide behaviour and should include the following:
• Appropriate timing
• Content:
• Cognitive teaching method
• Affective teaching method
• Psychomotor teaching method
• The teaching plan should demonstrate consideration of the developmental stage
2.4 Implementation
Discussion of teaching approaches, Instructions methods.
2.5 Evaluation
Should include how to assess the following:
• Has the session been successfully carried out?
• Have the objectives been met?
• Documentation of client teaching.
• Evaluate knowledge gained.

3. Conclusion
As per the SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines. To summarise the ideas presented in the essay.

4. Referencing
As per SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines. References should be cited in a uniform format.

Attachment:- Theories of Development

Verified Expert

This paper has discussed client teaching activity.The first scenario from instruction has been selected in which nurse has to teach a 5 years old child regarding self-care. along with teaching techniques some of the cognitive development and stage-specific theories have been mentioned in the paper.

Reference no: EM132288222

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4/19/2019 4:05:23 AM

Application of critical thinking 0 – 20 marks • You need to integrate / relate the theories (developmental and learning) to the case study to demonstrate that you can apply your knowledge to the development of the CTA and its delivery to the client. Think about Blooms taxonomy and other learning theories (affective, cognitive and psychomotor) when you are writing your assignment. The ability to make appropriate reference to these helps demonstrate your critical thinking. Referencing 0 – 10 marks • 5 – 10 references, 3 MUST be from peer reviewed journals. • Must follow APA style. The ECU referencing guide is your best friend! • Must be error free both in and end text to achieve the higher marks. • References must be “quality” to achieve the higher marks. English language proficiency 0 – 10 • Good sentence and paragraph structure • Easy to understand sentences • Error free spelling and punctuation. • Logical application of ideas and arguments


4/19/2019 4:05:15 AM

• Implementation: Describe your teaching approaches, what instructional methods that will be used and give details about how you will implement the education of the client. It could be that you use telling, selling reinforcing etc. Will you need to use any props or equipment such as posters, blood glucose machines? • Evaluation: Explain how you will determine if the client’s learning outcomes have been met. When will you evaluate the client? Maybe it will be to get the client to explain the information back to you or demonstrate what task you have shown them.


4/19/2019 4:05:03 AM

• Nursing Diagnosis: Provide a problem statement that reflects the client’s specific learning needs. This only needs to be a couple of lines and remember this is a CTA so it will be related to a knowledge deficit either cognitive, psychomotor or affective or a combination of these. • Plan: Develop one short-term and one long-term client learning objective. Ensure that these goals follow the SMART format (e.g. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). Once this is done think about how you will deliver the education, plan your activity. Select appropriate teaching methods based on the client’s developmental stage (cognitive, physical and psychosocial ability), this could be role play, a game, demonstration of the task. This plan needs to be matched to the clients learning needs and your assessment of the client.Consider timing as well as teaching materials to maintain the client’s attention


4/19/2019 4:04:54 AM

hi I have an assignment for the subject of foundation of nursing. please check my attached file carefully and thoroughly as this assignment contributes 40% of my marks. • Assessment: assess the client thoroughly,this means their physical, cognitive, psychomotor skills, psychosocial status and developmental stage. Link the developmental discussion to at least one theorist, for instance you may choose Piaget for Jaxson or Erikson for Jessica. You may use different developmental theorists for other categories to demonstrate your depth of knowledge. Emphasis on each component of the assessment may differ depending on the client. Consider social, cultural and family issues. Identify the client’s learning needs, language skills, motivation, ability to learn, teaching environment and resources for learning.

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