Preparing domain and group structures

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Reference no: EM13754200

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University of Phoenix Material

Preparing Domain and Group Structures

Option 1: Preparing Domain and Group Structures

Company A has about 100 employees spread over three locations in the same city, all linked by fast network connections. The IT/IS administration is centralized and includes the helpdesk.

· Location 1 contains the executive offices, IT/IS, and Marketing and Design departments.
· Location 2 contains the HR, Sales, and Research departments
· Location 3 contains the Manufacturing and Prototyping departments.

The HR department has sensitive information that can only be viewed by members of the HR department and executive offices. Each location has computers and printers for use within the individual departments but that not to be used by employees from another department. All executives and members of the executive offices are authorized to enter all locations. All other employees only have authority to enter the location they work at.

Prepare a domain structure for Company A as shown in Figure 4.2 of your text.Include Organizational Units (OUs) and a group structure.

Option 2: Preparing Domain and Group Structures (Graphical)

Company B is a consulting firm with locations in San Francisco, Boston, Paris (France), Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), and Sydney (Australia). Given the geographical dispersion, each office handles its own IT/IS support. Most locations, except for San Francisco, function as a single office or operation with all computers, printers, and other resources shared. The exception is the San Francisco office, which has four divisions: Management, Marketing, Accounting, and Consulting. IT/IS support for the San Francisco office is located within the Management division. Each San Francisco division operates autonomously, except that the Management division has authority to view all files and access all resources for the entire company.

Prepare a domain structure for Company B that includes a diagram incorporating the triangle symbols. Include Organizational Units (OUs) and a group structure, if needed.

Create an OU design diagram. Prepare a graphical representation of the group structure if groups are included in your quantified graphic presentation.

Option 3: Preparing Domain and Group Structures (Advanced)

A small company of about 455 employees has had rapid growth and will likely become a company of over 5,000 employees in less than 2 years. This type of organizational growth requires robust network support to support global dispersion. Currently, only one location exists, and it is in a major American city. The cost of each Windows Server® role installed has been quantified in terms of initial, ongoing production, and maintenance costs. For proprietary reasons, you do not have the exact costs, but your analysis can assume these costs are known. The company's IT department has asked you to prioritize recommendations for Windows Server® roles. High-priority roles may be installed immediately, whereas low-priority roles may be installed later, after the company has grown and networking investment is more available. Up to five roles may have the same priority.

As part of enhancing security as the organization grows, show how the single domain should grow into a domain tree. Rank the roles according to importance, with 1 as the highest priority role, and higher numbers for decreasing role importance.

Prepare a portion of your recommendation graphically using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or Microsoft®Word using colors, shapes, and business-appropriate clipart to emphasize your prioritization.

Summarize your prioritization logic using a 1-page report in a format and language at a technologically appropriate level for a company business executive who has no IT/IS background.

Reference no: EM13754200

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