Preparing a table of entities and activities

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131357026

"Preparing a table of entities and activities as the first step in documenting systems seems to be unnecessary and unduly cumbersome. It would be a lot easier to bypass this step and get right to the necessary business of actually drawing the diagrams." Do you agree? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM131357026

Questions Cloud

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Techniques used in drawing physical dfds and logical dfds : "If we document a system with a systems flowchart, data flow diagrams, and E-R diagrams, we have over-documented the system." Discuss.
What are some of possible consequences of poor outsourcing : What are some of the possible consequences of poor outsourcing? What global operations strategy is most descriptive of McDonald's
Preparing a table of entities and activities : "Preparing a table of entities and activities as the first step in documenting systems seems to be unnecessary and unduly cumbersome.
What are two common programmed edit checks : How does each control plan listed in the control matrix in Figure 9.4 work?
Discuss what could happen to the slope of a regression : Discuss what could happen to the slope of a regression of Y versus a single X when an outlier is included versus when it is not included. Will this necessarily happen when a point is an outlier?
Explain some of the possible risks to stores security system : Describe some of the possible risks to the store's security system. Draft a security policy that addresses the risks, identifies security goals, and discusses strategies for achieving those goals.
Prepare a statement for each entity relationship pair : Prepare a statement for each entity-relationship pair in given Figure. (There are six pairs.) Each statement should explain the relationship category.


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