Preparing a personal marketing plan

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131749938

Marketing 305

Final Project Format & Requirements

Formatting Requirements:


  • Must be submitted in PDF format ONLY via BlackBoard
  • Paragraphs: Double Spaced
  • Bullet Points: Single Space
  • 12 Point Font - Arial or Times New Roman Font ONLY
  • 1" margin, header and footer

Title Page

  • Title of Project
  • Your Name (First, Last)
  • Class ('MKTG 305' and day/time OR on-line class)
  • Professor's Name
  • Current Date

Table of Contents
Headings/Sections Requirements:
You may click the headings for more information about each section 
I. Executive Summary
II. Your Personal Mission/Vision Statement
III. Introduction / Overview of Project
IV. Situation Analysis (Summary Snapshot)

  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • Climate

o Political
o Economic
o Social
o Technology

  • S.W.O.T. Analysis

o Overview of your S.W.O.T.
 Strengths & Weaknesses (Internal)
 Opportunities & Threats (External)

  • Target Market (The industry/career field that you have chosen to seek out)

o Overview/Section Introduction

  • Company Analysis (YOU)
  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • Core Competencies
  • Competitive Advantage(s)
  • S.M.A.R.T. Goals & Objectives
  • Competitor Analysis (People in the same market as YOU)
  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • Specific Opportunities & Threats
  • Client Analysis (Companies that will hire YOU)
  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • Specific Opportunities & Threats
  • Detailed version of Target Market (see above)
  • Collaborators (Influencers and/or Mentors)
  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • Who is/are this/these person/people?
  • How is/are this/these person/people assisting the Company (YOU)?

V.  Available Resources

  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • List & describe your Tools
  • List & describe your Experience(s)

VI.  Strategy & Tactics and Alternatives

  • Goals & Objectives
  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • Detailed version of above
  • Present in S.M.A.R.T. context with detailed explanation
  • Strategies (Marketing Mix)
  • Overview/Section Introduction

o  Product Strategy
o  Pricing Strategy
o  Place/Distribution Strategy
o  Promotion Strategy

  • Evaluating Alternatives (C.O.R.P.)
  • Overview/Section Introduction

o  Costs
o  Obstacles
o  Risks
o  Pay-off's
VII.  Financial Strategy

  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • Current & Proforma (Projected) list of Revenue & Expenses

o  You may utilize the table previously posted under "Helpful Stuff"
VIII.  Plan of Action (pulling it all together)

  • Overview/Section Introduction
  • Strategy & Tactics
  • Order of Operations
  • Contingency Plan

IX.  Conclusion & Summary of Project
X.  Appendix

  • Citations

o  This project must have AT LEAST five (5) citations from outside sources:
o  Text, periodicals, valid online sources, interviews, etc.
o  Two (2) of which are REQUIRED to be from a Peer Reviewed Journal article or Scholarly Source
o  MLA or APA Formatting (In Project & in Citation Page)

  • Exhibits (not required; however, validates/"backs-up" things that you may have stated in this project)

o  Resume
o  Salary Bell-Curve
o  Charts & Graphs (if any)
o  Etc.

Reference no: EM131749938

Questions Cloud

What was your reaction to the given article : Do you agree or disagree with her claims? What about the status of women in the Middle East, India, and Asia? What was your reaction to this article?
Core service functions to both internal and external clients : A business operations center provides three core service functions to both internal and external clients.
Effects of the economy on the healthcare industry : Create 3-5 slides for a Board strategic planning retreat regarding the effects of the economy on the Healthcare industry.
What communications messages would be most effective : What communications messages would be most effective? Does the campaign produce a profit?
Preparing a personal marketing plan : How is/are this/these person/people assisting the Company (YOU)? Preparing a Personal Marketing Plan.
What is cognitive evaluation theory : What is Cognitive Evaluation Theory? Explain the meaning of intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards (or motivation)?
What is the total manufacturing cost of job 651 : What is the total manufacturing cost of Job 651, Jasper Carts manufactures custom carts for a variety of uses
What are the initial steps to begin my plan : What are the initial steps to begin my plan? What short-term (1 semester or less) activities should I plan to achieve each of my goals?
Describe and define employment laws : 1. Describe and define employment laws. 2. What are the biggest Human Resource challenges in employment law?


Write a Review

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