Preparing a personal development plans

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131918240

Assessment - Reflexive research


- Reflect on your own leadership journey to date and identify key events, people and experiences that have contributed to your leadership development and self-perceptions;

- Increase self-awareness by completing a personality or leadership styles assessment, for example Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI);

- Obtain feedback from a fellow student on your leadership journey and current challenges;

- Provide mentoring and feedback on leadership to a fellow student on his/her leadership journey and challenges;

- Identify the influences of national and organisational cultures on your perceptions of effective leadership;

- Develop and apply communication skills for relationship building and mentoring across cultures, functions and disciplines;

- Apply knowledge from the theories and models of effective leadership to interpret and understand your reflections and feedback.

Assessment Linkages of Assessment 1 and Assessment 2:

Insights and understandings obtained in Assessment 1 will suggest themes that will be developed further in preparing a personal development plans in Assessment 2 of the assessment which is due at the end of the subject.


Students will work in pairs for this first part of the assessment; partners will be assigned by the Learning Facilitator. In very unusual circumstances, the facilitator can authorise groups of three.

Each student will provide his or her partner(s) with information on their current organisation, role, key stakeholders and current leadership challenges, et cetera, as background for the mentoring and feedback activity. Partners will contact each other, explore each other's leadership journey and current challenges and provide mentoring and feedback to each other. Students should consider the influence of national and organisational cultures and social practices as part of the mentoring and feedback. Other parameters will be defined by the

Learning Facilitator

Output/Deliverable and parameters of the assessment:

Each student will submit a report consisting of 2000 words which describes the leadership journey, current strengths and areas for development, a summary of feedback provided by the partner and implications for future development. You should draw on the literature on leadership models and theories to help interpret and explain your current leadership. You should also discuss the implications of your cultural and social background on your leadership.

Learning Outcomes:

- Increased self-awareness, including personality preferences, leadership style and impact on other people.

- Knowledge of the major theories and models of leadership and their role in explaining and developing effective leadership.

- Understanding of reflective practice as a means of research and personal growth.

- Greater understanding of the influence of cultural and social backgrounds on leadership effectiveness.

Verified Expert

The paper reflects on own leadership journey to date and key events, people and experienced. The paper successfully reported a personality or leadership style assessment. The paper also depicts how mentoring and feedback obtaining has been done. The paper discussed the influence of national and organisational culture on leadership. It also presented the application of communication skill.

Reference no: EM131918240

Questions Cloud

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Preparing a personal development plans : MGMT6000 Dynamic Leadership - Each student will submit a report consisting of 2000 words which describes the leadership journey, current strengths
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Conduct a survey in the community : After reading this information Create a questionnaire based on these criteria and conduct a survey in the community to identify the gaps.
Describe considerations for leading multicultural teams : Provide information on cultural norms from the cluster to be visited, including specific information from the GLOBE study.
What are the reasons to focus more on the light beer market : Use the case information (including statistics, taste survey data, and ZMET results) as well as your own insights to answer the following.



3/28/2018 2:00:25 AM

Shows deep understanding of events, people or experiences that have influenced own leadership development. Describes own strengths and areas for development, based on appropriate evidence and feedback Shows deep understanding of events, people or experiences that have influenced own leadership development. Describes own strengths and areas for development, based on appropriate evidence and feedback. Understands and describes own personality preferences, leadership styles or results of other, relevant leadership assessment instrument and is aware of implications. Understands and describes own personality preferences, leadership styles or results of other, relevant leadership assessment instrument, is aware of implications and takes appropriate action to modify behaviours where necessary. Demonstrates understanding of the link between self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Demonstrates deep understanding of the link between self-awareness and emotional intelligence and takes effective measures to enhance EQ.


3/28/2018 2:00:19 AM

Enhanced self awareness 25% Limited awareness of own capability or impact on others. Reluctant to seek or act on feedback from others Understands key events, people or experiences that have influenced own leadership development. Describes own strengths and areas for development, based on appropriate evidence and feedback. Shows deep understanding of events, people or experiences that have influenced own leadership development. Describes own strengths and areas for development, based on appropriate evidence and feedback. Understands and describes own personality preferences, leadership styles or results of other, relevant leadership assessment instrument.


3/28/2018 2:00:10 AM

Application of knowledge to practice Limited understanding of theories and models of leadership. Understands the main theories and models of effective leadership. Understands comprehensive range of theories and models of leadership. Understands comprehensive range of theories and models of leadership. Demonstrates deep understanding of a comprehensive range of theories and models of leadership. 25% Uses a limited range of information or sources as the basis of interpretations or recommendations. Applies basic concepts to explain own experiences and practice. Selects and justifies appropriate models to explain own experiences and practice. Selects and critically evaluates most relevant models to deepen understanding and insights into own experiences, biases styles and preferences. Selects and critically evaluates most relevant models to deepen understanding and insights into own experiences, biases styles and preferences. Describes implications and opportunities for personal growth and development. Describes implications and opportunities for personal growth and development and realistic strategies for broadening own repertoire of leadership behaviours.


3/28/2018 2:00:02 AM

Knowledge of and sensitivity to cultural diversity and implications for effective leadership 25% Neglects core elements important to leadership in own and other cultures. Difficulty in identifying own cultural biases. Demonstrates understanding of the complexity of elements important to leadership in own and other cultures. Articulates insights into own cultural biases. Analyses own cultural biases against elements important to members of other cultures. Demonstrates evidence of adjustment in own attitudes and beliefs reflecting learning from a diversity of other cultures. Describes leadership roles that influences others and enable positive change in own and other cultures. Demonstrates evidence of adjustment in own attitudes and beliefs reflecting learning from a diversity of other cultures.


3/28/2018 1:59:56 AM

Learning Rubric Assessment Attributes Fail (0-49) Pass (50-64) Credit (65-74) Distinction (75-84) High Distinction (85-100) Effective communication in report 25% Difficult to understand, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning. Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas and arguments. Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence. Uses limited presentation aids to enhance information and arguments. Expertly presented; the presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments. Engages and sustains audience’s interest in the topic. Effective use of diverse presentation aids, including graphics and/or media.


3/28/2018 1:59:46 AM

The assignment is 2000 words in total. Introduction should be 200 words; it should contain the topic and the themes to be discussed. The Body should be 1600 words and it should contain 10-12 paragraphs. The conclusion should be 200 words. the assignment requires 8-10 references. Kindlyy make use of the 6-personality theory to build an argument, analysing yourself using the theory

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