Reference no: EM132366650 , Length: word count:2500
Unit learning outcomes:
1. Select an accounting research problem and specify the key variables of the underlying accounting issue.
2. Formulate a conceptual framework to guide the examination of the research problem.
3. Evaluate the most appropriate method of data collection in addressing a research problem.
4. Construct a research proposal to carry out an accounting research in an organisational setting.
The objective for this assignment is to fulfil the first stage of completing an accounting research proposal, namely preparing a Literature Review.
Because, the preparation of the research proposal (Assessment task 2) will require focusing on unresolved topic/issue/s in accounting research and practice, the Literature Review will help you identify unresolved accounting issues and research opportunities.
Accounting here is broadly defined to include the following, but not limited to, areas: financial accounting, management accounting, company accounting, international accounting, auditing and assurance, sustainability accounting, accounting education, accounting information systems.
The Literature Review needs to be prepared and submitted individually.
Tasks to Complete
1. Select a topic for your project:
o Choose an area of accounting in which you are interested.
o Review (skim) current academic papers to identify current issues that accounting researchers are exploring.
o Most academic papers have "suggestions for further research". Use these suggestions to identify an area for your research project.).
2. Review at least three journal articles related to the issue and submit assignment 1 as a Literature Review document (see structure and content section below).
Assignment Instructions
o There is a maximum word limit of 2,500 words, and not more than 8 pages excluding the reference pages and the cover page.
o Journal articles reviewed should be the ones published within the last 5 years: 2015 - 2019.
o The minimum requirement is to review three journal articles published in the period 2015-2019, however, your reference list may obviously include more than three articles (even from earlier years).
o Use APA 6th Referencing style.
Assignment structure and contents
The followings provide information about the minimum sections to be included in your Literature review (of course you can organise them in sub-sections/headings):
1. Introduction
This section knowledgably introduces and presents the topic/issue within current and global practice-led perspectives. Specifically it should:
• Define or identify the general topic, issue or area of concern (link to practice/profession).
• Points out overall trends in what has already been published.
• Establishes your point of view for reviewing the literature (i.e. problem- cause-solution order or general-to-specific order or specific-to-general order).
• Indicates how the review is organised (topical order or chronological order, and related sections and sub-sections)
2. Analysis of the Literature
This section critically presents and analyses the literature about your identified topic/issue/s. Specifically, it should:
• Group research studies and other relevant literature according to a common theme.
• Summarise each item of the literature appropriately according to its significance.
• Critically compare and evaluate each item of the literature.
• Provide topic sentences at the beginning of paragraphs and summary sentences at the end of sections to help the reader understand what the main issues are.
3. Conclusions
This section identifies the ‘gap' and position for the research and justifies the study. Specifically, it should:
• Summarise the literature maintaining the focus (issue/problem) presented in the introduction.
• Critically evaluate the current "state of the art", pointing out gaps, inconsistencies and issues that are important for future study (i.e. your research proposal).
• Conclude by giving some insight into the relationship between your topic and a larger area of study or professional practice.