Prepared statements in php

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131049695

One of the method of preventing SQL injection is by using prepared Statements in PHP. Using that concept write a snippet you would use to add users to a MySQL database from a web-form. Use first name and last name as the data required in the database.Explain your code step-wise.

Reference no: EM131049695

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Prepared statements in php : One of the method of preventing SQL injection is by using prepared Statements in PHP. Using that concept write a snippet you would use to add users to a MySQL database from a web-form.
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PL-SQL Programming Questions & Answers

  Create a database model

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  Write pl-sql procedures and functions

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  Sql questions

Write a query to display using the employees table the EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME and HIRE_DATE of every employee who was hired after to 1 January, 1995.

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Run the lab_03_01.sql script in the attached file to create the SAL_HISTORY table. Display the structure of the SAL_HISTORY table.

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Write a query to display the last name, department number, and salary of any employee whose department number and salary both match the department number and salary of any employee who earns a commission.

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  What is an sql injection attack

What is an SQL injection attack? Explain how it works, and what precautions must be taken to prevent SQL injection attacks.What are two advantages of encrypting data stored in the database?

  Determine resonant frequency in series rlc resonant circuit

Given the series RLC resonant circuit in the figure, operating at variable frequency, determine: The resonant frequency ω o ,  The circuit’s quality factor Q , The cut-off frequencies, f 1  & f 2  and the bandwidth BW

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Write summary query which uses CUBE operator to return LineItemSum (which is the sum of InvoiceLineItemAmount) group by Account(an alias for AccountDesciption).

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As DBA, your manager called a meeting and asked why there are so many orders for customers that don't exist in the customer table. Write query which would shows which customers were missing for existing orders. Use a join or a subquery.

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