Prepare your interview materials using star framework

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131848436

Assignment - Assignment requires you to complete four (4) tasks

Melbourne Polytechnic has the following vacancy - Leading Teacher Business, Management, HR, Marketing and/or Project management.

The following is directly from the instructions.

1. Research and discuss the recruitment and interview process

  • Source your job/role
  • Research and discuss the recruitment and interview process
  • Suggested word count approximately 800-1000 words.

2. Write your application

  • Writing your application. Note that applications for industry that are considered for the interview round must have NO spelling or typographical errors. They MUST address the criteria.
  • Suggested word count approximately 800-900 words.

3. Prepare your interview materials using STAR framework and conduct your interview

  • Prepare your interview materials using STAR framework and conduct your interview.
  • Suggested word count approximately 500-600 words.

4. Reflection - 2 parts:

  • Reflection 1 (200-250 words): Reflect on your experience with the mock interviews. What did you do well, what areas could you have done better, did you answer the questions fully? What would you do differently in future interviews?
  • Reflection 2 (200-250 words): Reflect on this unit and what you have learned about yourself and how this has influenced your career planning. What has changed since the start of the trimester? Consider what you have already done towards becoming job or career ready as a result of this unit.
  • Be sure to write your reflections using the DIEP model.

Follow these directions on what to present in your submission.

Title Page:

Executive Summary: Brief statement about the GENERAL purpose of your report, your general findings and what you recommend for your career future. (60 - 80 words).

Table of Contents:

  • Section numbers and section headings
  • Page numbers (make sure that the report has these page numbers!
  • No not include anything that is placed BEFORE this table!

Introduction: Brief statement of your purpose - in a little more detail than the Executive Summary. About 70 - 100 words.

Sections (Do not use this as a heading!):

1.0 - Trends in Recruitment and Selection (Interview) Processes

2.0 - My Application

3.0 - My interview materials

4.0 - Reflections

4.1 - My experience with the mock interviews

4.2 - What I have learned about myself in this unit

References - Harvard format. Alphabetical order. Must match any citations used.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

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The current part is regarding various trends of conducting the process of selection and recruitment of the new applicants in various organization And sectors. The overall text part deals with the important approaches and modes regarding the trends on areas of selection, interview and recruitment procedures along with mentioning the trends that are gaining preference in international level. Along with this the entire responsibility of the the employees are also mentioned.

Reference no: EM131848436

Questions Cloud

What are the number of transactions : What are the number of transactions (steps) a typical products goes through from conception to consumer and how does marketing factor in the process?
Equipment necessary for mark to start : Doug delivers the equipment, but mark refuses to pay. Can doug sue mark to recover the 2000? Explain using legal terms/concepts.
Create an entity-relationship diagram relating the tables : Create an Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagram relating the tables of your database schema through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio.
How would the project manager and team exploit the risk : The organization stands to make a significant profit if this opportunitycomes about. How would the project manager and team exploit the risk?
Prepare your interview materials using star framework : MWL 101 201703 - Assignment. Prepare your interview materials using STAR framework and conduct your interview. Discuss the recruitment and interview process
Identify the sales forecast for the firm : Identify the sales forecast for the firm. Explain the exogenous factors that you need to be aware of when developing these forecasts.
Create a flowchart based on the algorithm : Create a 1/2- to 1-page document containing pseudocode based on the revised program needs.
Democracy cannot be forced on a country : I think that democracy cannot be forced on a country, in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan was outside forces have tried to influence the politics
What do you observe about national identity : What do you observe about national identity and Transcendalism in the works of Innes and Ives? Discuss Transcendentalism and its view of wilderness.



2/4/2018 11:58:44 PM

Hey this is personal insight's assignment and i just want you to do the task 1 which you can find in the document I am sending you. i have also found the job which you will find attached. Research and discuss the recruitment and interview process. Title Page: Title = ‘Assignment 3 – My Application’ – font size 20 – 22 point, CALBRI. Bottom right – your name and ID number; unit code and name; lecturer name: Chris Notsis; due date.


2/4/2018 11:58:38 PM

FORMAT: Use CALIBRI 11 point font. Use 1.5 line spacing. Include a FOOTER. The footer must include page numbers (that match the Table of Content) and ‘MWL 101 Assignment 3 + YOUR NAME’ (Just like the bottom of this page). NB – the best way to add this footer is to select INSERT > PAGE NUMBER > BOTTOM OF PAGE > THE 11TH OPTION > then add the rest of the footer text to the LEFT of the page number.

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