Prepare your analysis report paper that contains analysis

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Reference no: EM133532255

Homework: Analyze Quality Performance

Improvement requires the ability to effectively analyze data. While extensive knowledge in using statistical analysis tools is desirable, health administrators adept at constructing charts and analyzing the organizational data as compared to established benchmarks yields valuable information.

For your homework, you will prepare an Analysis Report paper. Begin your homework with the following steps:

Read the case study published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) featuring Tampa General Hospital's use of the AHRQ tools to improve quality measures. The link to the Tampa General Hospital's case study is found in your Weekly Resources.

I. After reading the Tampa General Hospital case study, you will access the Hospital Compare website link found in your Weekly Resources. At this site, you will insert Tampa, Florida into the location box, select Hospital as the type of facility, and insert Tampa General Hospital into the name box. Once the webpage for Tampa General Hospital is accessed, click on Patient Survey Ratings. Here you will find the hospital's patient satisfaction ratings along with the state and national ratings in each category.

II. With these data, you will use an Excel spreadsheet to insert the type of indicator (i.e., Patients who reports their nurses always communicated well and the observed score for Tampa General Hospital as well as the average Florida and National scores provided). Repeat this process to include all 10 statements of patient satisfaction.

Once your spreadsheet data is complete, create a bar graph by clicking on Insert in the top header and selecting the bar graph to visually display the comparison of Tampa General Hospital's scores to the state and national average scores. Instead of using Excel, you may alternately create a Table in Microsoft Word using the same data as described above placed in a table. Once the table is complete, click Insert from the ribbon at the top of the page, and then click Chart. From here, select Bar chart and use the Clustered Bar Chart style. For either method, make sure all three data sources are depicted in the chart. An example of how to set up your table and the resulting bar graph that is both required in your paper are shown. Keep in mind the information you retrieve is a single data set and does not represent performance over time, but rather represents a snapshot of organizational performance as compared to external standards.

III. Next, you will click on Quality in the Tampa General Hospital's website header and scroll down to Complications and Deaths. Once the section expands, scroll down to Infections. In the Infection's section, you will find the quality score for the topic in the case study regarding catheter-associated urinary catheter infections (CAUTI). Record the score for Tampa General Hospital for this measure and note the national benchmark score of 1. You will analyze this score as it compares to the national score and its relevance to the case study.

IV. Lastly, you will prepare your Analysis Report paper that contains an introductory section, the body of your report containing your analysis of Tamps General Hospital's patient satisfaction ratings and the comparison of the ratings to the state and national scores, and your analysis of the CAUTI infection rate compared to the national rate. You will also include a summary section in your paper. You will insert your Clustered Bar graph (see example) with the 10 statements and scores as a Figure into your discussion and analysis of the scores. The table you created (see example) to display the 10 statements and the hospital, state, and national scores will be in an appendix to your report.

Reference no: EM133532255

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