Prepare the working papers and determine the net income

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM132227251

Question 1:

Daniel and Olivia Smith operate a mixed business called Brekkie and Lunch and OZ Bottle Shop at 50 York Street Sydney. They visit you in order to prepare their 2017 partnership tax return. During your first meeting they provide you with their cash receipts and cash payments journals, their business bank statements and a file contain all their business invoices and receipts relating to the transactions in their book. Details of the transactions are as follows:



Business Sales (Cash)


Debtors cash payments


Car expenses


Electricity bill


Council rates


Business insurance


Mobile bills


Union fees


Account charges ( ANZ Bank)


Repair expenses


Loan repayment




Purchase of fixed Asset


Cash Purchases


Repayment to Credits


After careful consideration of the working papers from last year's return, you establish:




Debtors at 1st July 2016


Debtors at 30th June 2017


Creditors at 1st July 2016


Creditors at 30th June 2017


Stock on hand 1st July 2016


Stock on hand 30th June 2017


ii. Some of the creditors were paid directly from the cash receipts account. Overall, $31,155 of stock was purchased in this method. Additionally, $5,600 in cash has been used for private purposes.

iii. The owners have taken $3,200 from Bottle Shop items for private use.

iv. There was a $3,000 reduction in the loan repayment, as this was the loan principal. The business loan repayment was $8,500.

v. The business has two cars: a van used 90% for business purposes and a SUV used 60% for business purposes. The cost of maintaining the van was $1,260 and the SUV $2,050.

vi. Repairs and maintenance expenses are as follows:

1st October 2016- air-condition installation 1,200
1st December 2016- shop painting 150
1st April 2017- refrigerator motor replacement 140

vii. Asset purchases are as follows:

1st August 2016- new restaurant freezer $3,500
A trade-in of $500 was permitted on the old unit

viii. The depreciation schedule as at 30th June 2017:


Cost $

Adjusted value $

Restaurant freezer



Restaurant refrigeration



Shop fittings structure



kitchen electrical appliances



Car - Van



Car - SUV



All of the above discussed business assets of Brekkie and Lunch and OZ Bottle Shop were purchased before 27 February 1992 and Daniel and Olivia Smith have chosen to use the depreciation rates published by the ATO. Any new assets will have a useful life of 10 years and the Daniel and Olivia's partnership business will use diminishing value method to depreciate their business depreciable assets.

ix. Daniel and Olivia live on the business properties, but 90% of mobile bills, 80% of electricity expenses and 60% of council rates relate to the Brekkie and Lunch and OZ Bottle Shop. The insurance premium paid is completely related to their business. Daniel and Olivia have a separate insurance for their personal goods.

From the information supplied, prepare the working papers and determine the net income for the partnership for the year ended 30 June 2017.

Question 2

John is a senior executive with a printing company. As part of his remuneration package his employer pays for his child's school fees at a private school costing $15,000. His employer also provides him with accommodation in a Sydney apartment throughout the FBT year. John must pay $100 of rent per week for the apartment. The market value rent for the apartment is $800 per week.

Advise John's employer of the FBT consequences of John's remuneration package.

Verified Expert

This is a practically oriented paper which deals in defying the accounting and financial concepts which helps in ensuring that the aspects are properly grouped as per the financial statement which is provided in the question. The experts require basic knowledge in accounting and further, it deals in a general perspective of accounting concepts.

Reference no: EM132227251

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7/24/2019 2:04:20 AM

Please check sample sir this solution there is only 600-700 words maximum Please write introduction and some theory in question 1 and question 2 plz and send me sample there is table format of revaluation account and balance sheet check the assignment can you explain Q2 fbt and also show some calculation which are given in the question regarding rent like 100 or 800 dollars per week and their effects Q2 show with the solution in calculation form also Q1 how much tax return get both the parties and net income of the partnership Your team is very special for me, thanks for your support, it always make my day. you are my perfect online friends.


2/4/2019 3:17:35 AM

The assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook. It is the responsibility of the student submitting the work to ensure that the work is in fact his/her own work. Ensure that when incorporating the works of others into your submission that it is appropriately acknowledged.

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