Reference no: EM131922395
Question: Research Assignment
Instructions: Final Individual Paper
Workforce 2025
You have been appointed by your organization/business (either hypothetical or real) to prepare its Workforce 2025 Report. Using federal guidelines, your texts and other available and related resources (such as found in the Webliography and such sites as CIA Online) and your research done for the Short Homework Assignments you are to forecast what the economic, social and demographic parameters are expected to be in our country in the year 2025 and how those trends will or will not be reflected in your business. Provide support for your projections using APA cited resources and the trends in your own organization. The report should be prepared as a detailed Summary (exclusive of cover page, references, and any appendices). This means that it includes the essence of your content with examples of specific applications to your company, in clear, concise, and informative language.
The paper should make use of the leader, organizational and individual perspectives or lenses and must consider changes in the eco-system. Topics you may want to consider for inclusion are: diversity management; leadership models; problem solving and conflict management processes; and communications.
You will want to focus your paper and argue its point from the perspective of your major issue you identified in the homework assignments and in the developed paper you wrote for Mid-term.
This summary will be NO LONGER than fifteen (15) pages in length exclusive of cover page and references.