Reference no: EM132649680
Personal Household Budget Money in Money out
Sep-20 Salary 1 2150
Salarry 2 2,890.00
Birthday Money - Martha 250
Total Rent $ 1,750.00
Heat & Light 255 Car payments 875
Other Car related expenses - gas etc .345
Food - Grocieies 480
Food - eating out 150
Entertainment 250.00
Presents - family members 120
Misc. 175.0
Total Over or under for month
Please copy and paste this information into a new tab on the excel spreadsheet you created for the previous question.
Question 1: 'Fix' all errors, include missing figures and make the spreadsheet more presentable - think about: spelling errors, underlining, spacing, font, perhaps use different columns etc.
Question 2: Prepare the household budget for October based on the following information: 5% increase in Salary 1 10% decrease in Salary 2 7.5% increase in all expenses (except rent and presents - see below) No birthday money in October and no family presents to buy
Question 3: The family hopes to move to a larger house where the rent would be $2,250 per month - would you advise that they do so - why or why not?
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Prepare the household budget for october
: Prepare the household budget for October based on the following information: 5% increase in Salary 1 10% decrease in Salary 2 7.5% increase
Discuss the implementation of innovation technologies
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In-n-out burger-keeping it simple-case study?
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