Prepare the financial sections of your nab company

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131505933

Discussion: The Financials

Important Notes

• This exercise is considered an academic writing exercise. Quality of response, grammar, and punctuation are considered in your overall grade.

• This exercise does not require the use of APA format or a cover page.

• This exercise uses the "Business Plan Financials" MS Excel template. Use the "Business Plan Financials Guide" to assist you in completing the required worksheets. (Both documents are also available in the Course Required Files in Week 1.)

• It is recommended that students construct their deliverable(s) using MS Word / MS Excel and then attach the document(s) to the discussion thread submission area in Blackboard.

Use the "NAB Company Portfolio" (see: Course Required Files in Week 1) for reference. Provide the following information below.

1. For year one of your NAB company's Business Plan, complete the Income Statement, Cash Flow Projections, and Balance Sheet sections from the "Business Plan Financials" MS Excel template (see: Course Required Files in Week 1). Note: Attach the MS Excel worksheet to the discussion thread.

o Hints: Your marketing costs should already be included as you created your Marketing Budget in Week 4 and those will be filled in automatically.

o Hints: Use the figures you arrived at in the operations and technology sections of your plan to help fill out your financial forms.

o Hints: Work through the worksheets in order. The excel worksheets will automatically enter the numbers into your Income Statement.

1. Develop the following financial sections of your NAB company's Business Plan. Note: Provide the write up in the text box of the discussion instead of an attachment.

a. Sources and use of funds
b. Plan assumptions
c. Break-even analysis.

Reference no: EM131505933

Questions Cloud

Example of cultural invisibility : Specific ways in which knowledge about "deep" culture enhances your understanding of yourself and others.
What is the irr of this proposed power plant : The world's largest carpet maker has just completed a feasibility study of what to do with the 16,000 tons of overruns, rejects, and remnants it produces.
How much carpet must be remanufactured annually : Each year in the United States nearly 5 billion pounds of discarded carpet end up in land fills. In response to this situation, the carpet manufacturer.
The four activities of human resource planning : Explain the relationship between the four activities of human resource planning and the organization's strategic planning, development, and implementation.
Prepare the financial sections of your nab company : Prepare the following financial sections of your NAB company's Business Plan. Sources and use of funds, Plan assumptions and Break-even analysis.
Should the system be recommended for implementation : A large automobile manufacturer is considering the installation of a high-tech material handling system for $30,000,000.
Describe your impression of the book : Describe your impression of the book.Identify main theme or lesson of the book.How the concepts of the book could be considered for implementation.
What nominal interest rate is being charged on this loan : The EZ Credit Company offers to loan a college student $6,000 for school expenses. Repayment of the loan will be in monthly installments of $304.07.
Identify an ethical dilemma faced by that organisation : Use an organisation that is or has been in the news during the past two years (work-related learning) and identify an ethical dilemma faced by that organisation


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