Prepare the dataset for analysis

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133797059

Problem: Creating a Cluster using a Dataset

1) Prepare the dataset for analysis. In this analysis, we use "pclass", "fare", "age", "sex", "embarked" as input variables. Perform necessary cleaning and transformation.

2) Implement the 2 clustering algorithms - K-means and Hierarchical Clustering, and add the cluster labels to the dataset as a new column. Set # of clusters = 3 for both algorithms. Get the instant assignment help.

3) For K-mean algorithm, make an Elbow plot using K from 1 to 20 and calculate the WCSS. Show the plot and answer the question "which K should we choose". You can modify the code I provided in the class - no need to write your own from scratch.

Reference no: EM133797059

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