Reference no: EM132573358
The following information relates to the branch and head office of Fish CC: R 1. Balances at 1 January 20.1: Bank (favourable) 10 000 Inventory (at cost price) 9 200 2. Transactions of the branch during the year ended 31 December 20.1:
R Inventory sent to branch at cost 108 000
Credit sales 38 400
Cash sales 88 000
Inventory returned to head office at cost 2 400
Payments by branch debtors 20 000
Settlement discount granted to branch debtors 600
Damaged inventory written off at cost 2 000
Additional information:
1. Inventory supplied to the branch is invoiced at selling price, which is cost plus 20%.
2. An amount of R15 000, included in cash sales, was in respect of sales of inventory purchased from other suppliers and paid for by head office. The profit mark-up on inventory purchased from other supplies is also 20% on cost.
3. A sales person embezzled cash amounting to R750 received from cash sales and the transaction is still to be recorded in the books.
4. To boost the December sales, a special promotion was held at the branch where inventory was sold at selling price less 25%. Proceeds from the special promotion amounted to R22 500 and the amount is included in the cash sales figure.
5. When a physical inventory count was undertaken at the branch, it was discovered that inventory with a cost price of R4 000 was missing. The matter was investigated and it was established that inventory was stolen.
6. The branch donated inventory with a selling price of R1 800 to a local charitable organisation.
7. Inventory on hand at 31 December 20.1, according to the physical inventory count, amounted to R9 600 (at selling price).
Question 1: Prepare the following accounts in the general ledger of Fish CC:
a) Branch inventory;
b) Inventory to branch;
c) Branch adjustment;
d) Trade receivables control;
e) Bank;
f) Settlement discount granted; and
g) Branch expense. Balance and close off all the accounts at 31 December 20.1.