Reference no: EM132319252
Normally, in this class, I require students to prepare a strategic audit of a company. This can run up to fifty pages. But since this is a severely truncated online course, I don't feel right doing that.
Instead, I want you to prepare a one-page paper telling me your understanding of what a strategic audit is, does, and entails. Do you understand how it pulls together all of the business disciplines you have been studying to achieve a certain end?
I am not looking for a certain number of pages. I want you to write enough to fulfill the assignment -- explain what you know. You will NOT get credit for tonnage. I want quality, not quantity.
This written assignment will be worth 25 points and will be graded according to the SCAN model of writing:
S - structure - does the introductory paragraph explain what the paper is about, and what the remaining paragraphs will attempt to state or prove? Are the subsequent paragraphs succinct and functional?
C - content - were the ideas logically presented? Was there enough detail present? Was it concrete rather than abstract?
A - accuracy - spelling, punctuation, format, sentence structure. If you are not a good - GOOD - writer in English, make certain that you have someone proofread this for you. I will deduct points for spelling, punctuation, improper word usage, and so forth. BE FOREWARNED. I love the English language, and it hurts me to see it mutilated.
N - noteworthiness - does the paper show that the student understands the concept of a strategic audit and has original thoughts concerning the content?