Prepare sql queries to find the customers

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13712133

Write the given queries in SQL (no top, rank, limit, or windows allowed)

Customer (cid, name, address)

Car (vin, make, color, number-doors, daily-price)

Reservation (cid, vin, date, location, number-days)

Customer contains the customer id (the key), name and address of each customer who rents a car. Car contains information about vehicles: the vin (key), the make, color, number of doors (either 2 or 4), and the daily price to rent the car.

Reservations registers each reservation, who reserved the car, which car was reserved, the location where the car was rented, the date the reservation starts, and the number of days it lasts.

Each customer may make several reservations and each car can be reserved several times.

Note that we assume no two reservations of the same car or by the same customer on the same day. Suppose date has both month and year, as in March 2009.

Write the given queries in SQL (no top, rank, limit, or windows allowed)

Part 1- List the names of customers who have reserved a green car during September 2013.

Part 2- Give the number of reservations each month during all of 2010.

Part 3- Find the number of reservations involving Ford cars in a location other than Detroit.

Part 4- Find out customers who made more than 12 reservations in 2010.

Part 5- List the longest reservations (the ones with the most number-days) in the whole database.

Part 6- List the reservations with duration (number-days) larger than the average duration.

Part 7- List the car makes that have the most days in total reservations in 2010.

Part 8- Find the customer's who have reserved only 4-door cars.

Prepare SQL queries to find the customers who have reserved only 4-door cars.

Reference no: EM13712133

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