Prepare requirements for new information system

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131639179

You are the IT manager at a regional moving company that recently merged with a major competitor. The company president asked you to prepare requirements for a new information system to support the combined company.

Question: You decide to conduct a series of JAD sessions. List all the expected participants including their function in the company and what will be their expected contribution.

Reference no: EM131639179

Questions Cloud

What is the consumer revolution in china today : What is the consumer revolution in China today? Discuss the general trend of changing consumption patterns in at least 3 areas.
Describe major components of an effective statement of work : Describe the major components of an effective Statement of Work. Under what conditions are short term contacts preferable to long term contracts?
Discuss the fundamental actions : Discuss the fundamental actions that the leadership of the selected country is-or is not-taking to improve the living standards of its people.
How does the global mindset differ from the domestic mindset : How does the global mindset differ from the domestic mindset? Describe the major components of the Lewis Model?
Prepare requirements for new information system : The company president asked you to prepare requirements for a new information system to support the combined company.
Define dreams act as a safety valve : Dreams act as a safety valve, discharging feelings that cannot be expressed in public
How combination of factor can contribute to high performance : Provide two suggestions for how the combination of these factors can contribute to high performance for the organization. Support your position.
Prescription filled at local pharmacy : Suppose you are going to have a prescription filled at a local pharmacy.
Produces consumer electronics products like media players : Imagine yourself working in a manufacturing facility that produces consumer electronics products like media players,


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