Prepare presentation on physical protections for database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132505961

Question: Need a 12 slide presentation on Physical protections for your database

A thousand-word document summary on the same. Maintain single spaces in the document.

Take five references which are academic in nature like research articles not from websites like techopedia. For each reference write two paragraphs with at least five sentences. The first paragraph summarizes the source and the second paragraph is your reflection (thoughts) on the source.

Reference no: EM132505961

Questions Cloud

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Find a possible explanation of the is : A company has an unfavorable spending (flexible budget) variance for direct materials. Find A possible explanation of this is,The company made more units
Prepare presentation on physical protections for database : Need a 12 slide presentation on Physical protections for your database. A thousand-word document summary on the same. Maintain single spaces in the document.
Calculate the theoretical ex-split price of a share : ATH has declared a five-for-one share split. If the current pre-split price of a share is $40, calculate the theoretical ex-split price of a share.
Difference between logical and physical system models : Sometimes people have a hard time understanding what we as programmers do. Why certain things can't be done and why other things that seem complex are actually.
What was the amount of overhead allocated to product a : Romanowski manufactured 100 pieces of product A using 2,500 direct labor hours. What was the amount of overhead allocated to Product A?
Describe the ideas and stance on such issues : Network defense can be a tricky item to deal with; there are threats that reside both internal and external to a given organization. Hence, while there are.


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