Reference no: EM132266519
Global Business Environment Assignment - Global Business
Learning Outcomes -
1: Analyse the key factors which drive globalisation.
2: Determine the strategic complexities associated with operating in a global environment.
3: Evaluate how operating in a global market influences an organisation's structure, culture and functions.
4: Evaluate the influence of globalization on organisational decision making and strategy.
TASK 1 -
Scenario 1 - The Procter & Gamble Company has grown to become one of the biggest firms in the global consumer goods industry.
This business situation is partially as a result of the company's effectiveness in addressing the concerns identifiable in the global business environment the company operates in.
As a Trainee Business Manager, you have been asked to prepare a power point on the factors that promote global business and the challenges that the company may face.
- Critically analyse the impact that key factors have upon the global business environment in terms of benefits and challenges with particular reference to Proctor & Gamble.
- Critically evaluate the global business environment, including the opportunities and challenges faced by Proctor & Gamble.
Suggested Structure of PowerPoint Presentation Slides -
Content slide
Main body
- Key factors that drive global commerce and trade.
- Impact that key factors have upon the global business environment (benefits/challenges).
- Strategic challenges faced when operating in a global environment (examples).
- Strategic challenges in context of risk and diversification strategies and the supply chain.
- The global business environment opportunities and challenges.
TASK 2 -
Scenario 2 - The Procter & Gamble Company's organizational culture supports leadership in the consumer goods industry and facilitates employee accountability. A firm's organizational culture or corporate culture refers to the customs, values and principles that affect the behaviour of individual employees, groups, and the organization as a whole unit.At Procter & Gamble, the corporate culture reflects business goals in achieving leadership in the global market.
- Critically evaluate global market influences in application to appropriate theories and models relating to organisational structure and culture within Proctor & Gamble.
- Critique strategies that can be adopted by organisations such as Proctor & Gamble operating in global business environment, and make valid and justified recommendations of how they should adapt their organisational structure and decision-making process.
Suggested structure of report -
Title Page
Contents Page
Main Body
- Types, purposes and structures of organisations.
- Size and scope of organisations.
- Relationship between organisational functions and structure.
- The advantages and disadvantages of organisational functions and organisational structure.
- Critical analysis of business structures and the interrelationships of the different organisational functions.
References (Harvard Referencing style required).
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar