Reference no: EM131745518
Assessment Description:
Prepare an A3 poster that describes how the efforts of one public, private, not-for profit agency, or faith based group and you as a professional, can result in the realisation of a more just global community. A detailed description providing you with additional information about how to undertake this assignment is available on the unit's LEO page under Assessment > Assignment 1 Poster Template.
You can also use this PowerPoint template for your poster. You must follow the format guidelines in Assessment > How to create your poster. Please note: to support your preparation for this assessment, UNICEF and Caritas are provided as examples in activities in Module 1.
For this reason, you cannot use UNICEF or Caritas as your chosen organisation for this assessment.
Presentation tips:
In your unit resources is a poster template that you can follow. You can modify this template as you wish, but you should try to consider the look and layout of information you present, so that it would make sense to anyone unfamiliar with your task. In communicating your ideas, consider the flow of information on the page and how images you use relate to the main points you are trying to make.
- For flow, present your poster so it reads from top left to bottom right.
- Ensure the contrast between the text and background make it easy to read.
- Make sure you use correct attributions to reference images used in the poster.
- For best quality images, do not enlarge them after you insert them in the page.
- Place the title at the top of the page, taking up most of the width of the page.
- Main text can be broken up into multiple columns and sections.
- Ensure each section has an appropriate heading that summarises the section.
- Use plainly readable fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri.
- Use the following font sizes: poster heading: 48-60pt (title) / 24-28pt (name), section headings: 20pt, body text: 12-14pt, references: min 10pt.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar