Prepare porfolio managment reasearch paper on yahoo finance

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131081306

Porfolio Managment reasearch paper

This project is a 10 page long including work cited.

The topic is Portfolio Managment and i am researching COP. I already made most of it i just need it to be in a paper.

I have a presentation that has information for the company you can you use.

I took these info for COP website and Yahoo finance. I uploaded my the paper outline

It should be in MLA style.

Let me know if you can access both of the powerpoints i have attached here.

Research Paper Outline

Research Paper

Seven major sections:

• Company background / introduction
• Industry research
• Company fundamentals
• Company financials
• Stock valuation analysis
• Investment summary & recommendations
• Investment risk factors

Industry Research

• Porter's competitive 5-force analysis
• Industry Life Cycle
• Industry fundamentals:
• market share, long term demand, profitability, economic sensitivity, etc.

Five-force framework

• Rivalries: competitors strengths and strategies, Industry fragmentation, product differentiation, etc.
• Threats of Substitutes: alternative products/services
• Threat of new entrants: barrier of entry
• Customers: Concentration, pricing power, new market
• Suppliers: Concentration, pricing power, availability and reliability

Industry Life Cycle

• Stage I: early development
• Rapid growth rate, fierce competition among many firms for perceived opportunities, little or no profit;
• Stage II: Rapid expansion
• Consolidation, continued rapid growth, market share by a few companies, fast expanding margin, increasing return on capital;
• Stage III: Mature growth
• Market getting saturated thought still growing, market getting difficult to broaden, alternative competition, stable margin but return increasingly under pressure;
• Stage VI: stabilization or decline
• little growth and leveling of output, productivity becomes important for margin improvement, average profit return.

Attachment:- Research_Paper_Outline.rar

Reference no: EM131081306

Questions Cloud

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Pricing of financial services : Financial services are very critical aspect whose value cannot be under-estimated. Explain the challenges faced when pricing of financial services.
Prepare porfolio managment reasearch paper on yahoo finance : Prepare a Porfolio Managment reasearch paper about COP website and Yahoo finance. I uploaded my powerpoint of the company and the paper outline.
Define absorption and variable costing discuss its effects : Define absorption and variable costing and discuss its effects on production.
Valuing preferred stock : The stock will pay a $20 dividend per year, but the first dividend will not be paid until 20 years from today. If you require a return of 8 percent on this stock, how much should you pay today?
Effective rate of interest on the loan : If the bank requires the company to hold 15 percent of the amount of the loan on deposit as a compensation balance, what is the effective rate of interest on the loan?
Is the second claim barred by the doctrine of res judicata : Pick one of these Supreme Court cases and tell us about it, and how the concept of collateral estoppel is involved. What does the Court say about collateral estoppel in your case? Does it make sense to you?


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What should the strike prices of the put options be? Assume that the risk-free rate is 10% and the dividend yield on both the portfolio and the index is 2%.

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