Reference no: EM133198516 , Length: Wrod Count: 2100 words.
Problem: Kroger Company Market Research
This is an academic paper, so make sure to quote relevant publications, such as academic journals and books, to support your arguments. In order to find relevant publications, you may browse through EBSCO (link is on Moodle) and/or Google Scholar, where you'll find access to many academic publications.
A. Select a company within the retail market, and a product category also in the retail market.
B. The task now consists in prepare a market research project covering the following topics:
a. Market research objectives related to the product, including qualitative and quantitative analysis
b. And present the results of the research
C. The task has to describe
a. The market research objectives, purpose.
b. The methodology or methodologies proposed
c. The demographics of the methodology, including their profile, the reason why they were selected, etc.
d. The results of the market research, including as much information as possible (chart, tables, figures, etc)
e. The recommendations to be given to your customer.
f. A possible action plan coming from the recommendations
D. The data delivered can be obtained from bibliography, real market research, or invented, but they have to be coherent with the problem analyzed.