Prepare free cash flow projections

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM1386158

PNG Airlines is positioning itself for global expansion. The Chief Executive Officer of the company has asked its Chief Financial Officer to prepare a valuation report based on free cash flow (FCF) projections. The CFO needs your expertise in this matter.

Using discounted PV method, you are required to:

(1) Prepare free cash flow (FCF) projections for the next 10 years.

(2) Determine PNG's terminal value at the end of 10th year.

(3) Based on discounted free cash flows, determine enterprise value, equity value and value per share.

PNG Airlines, Income Statement

Dollars In Millions
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
 Sales (Net)  13,489 14,290 16,191 17,171 19,154
 Cost of Goods Sold  12,490 13,814 14,811 14,430 15,315
      Gross Profit  999 476 1,380 2,741 3,839
 Selling, General, & Admin Expenses  911 939 2,108 1,394 1,579
 Operating Income Before Depreciation  88 -463 -728 1,347 2,260
 Depreciation, Depletion, & Amortiz  1,230 1,244 1,273 1,276 1,164
 Operating Income After Depreciation  -1,142 -1,707 -2,001 71 1,096
 Interest Expense  757 824 1,032 870 652
 Non-Operating Income/Expense  1,542 -1,461 -826 -6,169 1,375
 Special Items  0 0 0 0 0
      Pretax Income  -357 -3,992 -3,859 -6,968 1,819
 Income Taxes - Total  416 1,206 41 765 207
 Minority Interest  0 0 0 0 0
 Income Before Extraordinary Items &        Discontinued Operations (EI&DO)  -773 -5,198 -3,818 -6,203 1,612
 Extraordinary Items  0 0 - 0 0
 Discontinued Operations  0 0 0 0 0
      Net Income (Loss)  -773 -5,198 -3,818 -6,203 1,612

PNG Airlines, Balance Sheet

 Dollars In Millions  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Cash         2,710         1,463         2,008         2,034         2,648
Short-term investment                  -            336                  -            614            138
Receivables - Trade            662            696            819            915         1,066
Inventories            202            203            172            181            262
Prepaid Expense            476            525            512            489            464
Other Curr.Asst, Excl.Ppd.Exp.                  -            383            969         1,152            662
Current Assets - Total         4,050         3,606         4,480         5,385         5,240

Property, Plant & E.- Total (Gross)      26,010      26,149      23,917      22,690      12,309
Deprec.Depl.& Amort. -1230.00 -1,244.00 -1,273.00 -1,276.00 -1,164.00
Prop.Plant & Equip.- Total (Net)      24,780      24,905      22,644      21,414      11,145

Goodwill Net         2,092            227            227            227      12,104
Invest. & Advances - Other  -   -                   -                  -                  -
Intangibles                  -               79               74               89         2,806
Deferred Charges                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -
Other Asst., Excl.Def.Chg         4,637         1,295         1,022         1,005            811
Total assets      35,559      30,112      28,447      28,120      32,106

Accounts Payable         1,759                  -            934            936         1,045
Income Taxes Payable                  -                  -                  -                  -                  -
Accrued Expense         1,621         1,422            726            670            849
Debt - Due in One Year         1,002            893         1,186         1,503         1,014
Other Curr.Liab., Excl.Accr.Exp         2,242         2,066         2,419         2,660         3,402
Current Liabilities - Total         6,624         4,381         5,265         5,769         6,310

Long-Term Debt - Total      19,582      13,005         6,557         6,509         7,986
Liabilities - Other  -          8,374      17,733      20,531         6,864
Def. Taxes and Invest.Tax Cred.            534  -             132            406            855
Total Liabilities      26,740      25,760      29,687      33,215      22,015

Pref. Stock - Redeemable            275            390            336                  -                  -
Common Stock            271            286                 2                 2  - 
Paid-in-Capital         3,272         3,052         1,635         1,561         9,512
Retained Earnings      (2,338)      (4,373)      (8,209)    (14,414)            314
Other Equity  -       (2,471)      (2,811)          (518)            435
Treas.Stock - Total $ Amt      (2,708)      (2,403)          (601)          (224)          (148)
Shareholders Equity - Total      (1,228)      (5,519)      (9,648)    (13,593)      10,113
Liabilities and Shrhld. Equity - Total      25,512      20,241      20,039      19,622      32,128

Total Common Shares Outstanding - 139.83 189.34 197.34 292.23

ASSUMPTIONS & Other Information

PNG Average Industry
Revenue increase 6.50% 7.03% 5.00%
COGS as % of revenue 85% 89.19% 79.53%
Annual decrease of COGS 1.50%

SG & A as % of revenue 9.10% 9.10% 11.04%
Depreciation 5%

Working capital 2.71% 2.71% Negative
Change in net working capital 3.25%

Growth rate (g) 4%

CAPEX growth 7% 5.01%

Plant Property & Equipment First year: Gross PPE from B/S + change in CAPEX

Second year onwards: Previous year's PPE + Current year CAPEX

WACC Caluculation assumptions

Beta 1.95

Risk free rate 10 years treasury bond (^TNX)
Risk premium 6% Best practice
Target -Equity of 33% and debt 67%

Cost of debt 8.71%

WACC To be calculated

Reference no: EM1386158

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