Reference no: EM133084975
What are the documents you need to prepare for this shipment from Canada to Brazil?
As a Canadian freight forwarder, you have been approached by a Canadian exporter to arrange an ocean shipment from Canada to Santos, Brazil.
What are the International conventions that need to be adhered to?
Is legalization of documents required?Which is the port of destination in Brazil?
The title of this shipment is to be negotiated by the bank in Dubai. Therefore, what kind of bill of lading will be used? Can a straight bill of lading be used, and why?Will this be a direct or transshipment?
If transshipment, please state the port of transshipment? Please identify five risks related to this shipment
Actual weight of five containers is 90,000 kilograms, and total volume weight is 45cbm. What will be the chargeable weight of this shipment? Will it be actual weight or volume weight?