Prepare for an interview

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Reference no: EM131549950

Prepare for an Interview

Assume you are employed as a counselor at your local high school. You need to conduct a 30-minute interview with a student who has suddenly had a dramatic decline in her grades. Prior to conducting any interview, it is extremely important to plan its structure, the type of information you hope to acquire, the timing and sequencing of the interview, and the types of questions you might want to ask. To prepare for the interview, analyze the structure of the interview and present a summary including the following reasons for your choices:

Purpose of your interview
Discuss the topics you plan to cover and the sequence in which you will cover them
Questions you will use to obtain the information
Opening techniques to build rapport with the volunteer
Types and examples of questions you want to avoid

In your discussion, please be sure you cite, at a minimum, the online course and the text book for the course. Your paper should be 2-3 pages (not counting the cover and reference pages), be APA formatted, and include a reference page.

Reference no: EM131549950

Questions Cloud

Is it a natural process like yearly seasons : Is it a natural process like yearly seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter)? Does ice core data support the industrial revolution argument?
Plot these given results in a graph of p against t : According to the ideal gas law, if the volume of a gas is kept constant, the pressure P should be proportional to the absolute temperature T.
Calculate the maturity risk premium : Over the next two years, the real risk-free rate is expected to be 1.00 percent per year and the inflation premium is expected to be 0.45 percent per year.
Define verbal codes and what limits or freedoms they give us : Define verbal codes and what limits or freedoms they give us. Is accurate translation and interpretation from one language to another possible?
Prepare for an interview : Purpose of your interview Discuss the topics you plan to cover and the sequence in which you will cover them Questions you will use to obtain the information
Discuss the various purposes of the glomar challenger : What did it and its sister ship, the Glomar Explorer, really accomplish (or discover) for the Geological Sciences that we're using today
Calculates the corresponding values off from lens equation : You have learned (or will learn) in optics that certain lenses (namely, thin spherical lenses) can be characterized by a parameter called the focal length f.
Amounts of dividend income for the next two years : Mr. Toriop wishes to have equal amounts of dividend income for the next two years. How can he use homemade leverage on Yummy Corporation
Describe and discuss the forms of belief and worship : Describe and discuss the forms of belief and worship in Arabia at the time just before Muhammad's religious reform. What other religions were practiced there


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