Prepare dissertation research proposal report

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Reference no: EM131986199 , Length:

You need to prepare Dissertation Research Proposal Report.

The Report must be according to the Harvard Referencing Style

Instructions for assessment

1: Dissertation research proposal (max. 3,000 words)

An MBA/MSc dissertation should report an investigation of a business or management related research question which:
- reflects the strategic management or international focus of the programme;
- is based on current research literature and current concerns;
- contributes to developing business practice and new knowledge.

The dissertation may be linked to a particular organisation to which you have access, but this is not essential. Whilst most dissertations are likely to involve the collection of primary data, any combination of primary and secondary data may be used. Your research proposal must take these requirements into account.

Prepare a research proposal on a theme relevant to the strategic management focus of the programme. The proposal should include detailed research objectives, a literature review and bibliography, research strategy and methods, and an outline of the methods of analysis, using pilot survey or simulated data. The research proposal will be completed by the beginning of the summer term, to allow formal assessment and to carry forward discussion with your supervisor regarding your project.

You should make good use of the learning and development opportunities provide by the Management Research Methods module (particularly the private study undertaken) and the discussion(s) with your appointed supervisor.

Format of the research proposal

Your research proposal should include the following:

- Title
Include a fully descriptive TITLE for the business research to be investigated. The title and scope of the proposal should have a strategic emphasis. This means that the research objectives should include a consideration of how the resolution of the problem affects the future development and direction of the organisation(s) concerned (investigation) and/or of other similar organisations. It may also include wider considerations in terms of sector, geographic or national policy implications.

- Section 1: INTRODUCTION and CONTEXT (ca. 300-500 words)
This sections should introduce the RESEARCH PROBLEM to be investigated; provide an explanation of why the problem is important and/or interesting (including brief references to relevant literature, both academic and business/ professional); provide an explanation of the research context or organisational background, and your access for data collection; provide a discussion of the SPECIFIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES/QUESTIONS to be investigated.

- Section 2: LITERATURE REVIEW (ca. 800-1,200 words)
Outlining the results of the literature search you have carried out and identifying relevant theory/ theories. This must go beyond textbook material. Extensive use of academic journals is more essential and important for your conceptual framework.
You will already have done this for the first assignment Management Research Methods. You may use some of that material but you need to present it here much more briefly, to avoid exceeding the overall maximum word count.

- Section 3: INVESTIGATIVE APPROACH and METHODS (ca. 800-1,200 words) This should cover the following areas, as appropriate:
1. what data (evidence/ information) you aim to obtain in relation to your research question/
2. what are the sources for such data/ evidence/ information;
3. how you will obtain such data/ evidence/ information;
4. how you will analyse such data/ evidence/ information;
5. your approach to sampling;
6. specific data collection techniques and procedures, including where appropriate draft questionnaire, interview schedule, etc. (put as appendices, not included in word count);
7. brief justification of your choices, expressed in terms of key issues in social research philosophy.
You may use material that you have presented in the second assignment for Management Research Methods but must present much more briefly here.

- Section 4: ETHICAL ISSUES (ca. 100-500 words)
Give a brief discussion of the ethical issues that arise in respect of your proposed investigation.

- Section 5: TIME PLAN and RESOURCES (ca. 100-500 words)
An outline TIME PLAN for carrying out the research (this may be presented in the form of a table or a Gantt chart,) and a brief discussion of the RESOURCES involved. You need to demonstrate that your project is feasible and that you are in a position to manage it effectively.

- Section 6: BIBLIOGRAPHY (not included in word count)
A single list should be given, obeying the standard rules HARVARD REFERENCING STYLE for bibliographical details, including web sites, blogs or other digital materials. Refer to the library resources for more information (NB do not put URL for journal articles accessed via the web but published in print form).

Verified Expert

This research proposal is based on the impact of m commerce in user interface design. An interface design needs to take into account the limitations of the mobile device and operating system and develop the application accordingly. M-commerce industry players have improved interface design to give a personalised experience to users, better speed, security and design. The use of mobile technology has become necessity in today’s world. Industry players have established an online market place by developing applications which can be downloaded by the end user in their devices.

Reference no: EM131986199

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5/17/2018 6:33:45 AM

Outstanding and flawless. Fully documented and styled according to the brief; text (almost completely) free Very well documented and styled according to the brief; accurate spelling, from spelling, grammar, and grammatical, or punctuation; punctuation appropriate and errors; competent use of vocabulary vocabulary; appropriate to illustrations and topic with all tables well- specialist terms prepared; data defined; generally illustrations and integrated into tables well discussion. prepared; data presentation logically integrated into discussion in body of text/ appendices; appendices relevant.


5/17/2018 6:33:27 AM

Appropriate conclusions accurately drawn from findings and very clearly presented; conclusions drive the argument onwards, completely and fairly; where relevant, contrary findings used to illuminate or extend the argument; draws appropriate and implications and/or recommendations for policy/ practice, justified on basis of conclusions drawn from analysis; implications/ Appropriate conclusions accurately drawn from findings and clearly presented; conclusions substantiate the argument/ test thesis, and are comprehensive and fair; general awareness of potential contrary conclusions arising from findings; draws appropriate implications and/or recommendations for policy/ practice, mostly justified on basis of conclusions drawn from analysis; implications/ recommendations clearly presented.


5/17/2018 6:33:07 AM

Findings presented but limited in clarity and completeness, partially appropriate to methodology; several questions about accuracy of analysis and/or appropriateness of techniques used; rather shallow level of analysis; limited focus on key issues/ questions relating to research objectives. Findings presented but very limited in clarity and completeness, only marginally appropriate to methodology; inaccuracies in analysis and/or appropriateness of techniques used; shallow level of analysis; very limited focus on key issues/ questions relating to research objectives.


5/17/2018 6:32:57 AM

Clearly and fully presents empirical findings, appropriate to Clearly and fully presents empirical findings, appropriate to methodology; methodology; analysis analysis undertaken undertaken accurately using accurately using appropriate generally analytical appropriate methods/ analytical techniques; methods/ analysis techniques; undertaken in analysis considerable undertaken in depth; focuses depth; focuses on clearly on key key issues/ issues/ questions questions relating relating to to research research objectives. objectives. Findings presented but some parts lack in clarity and completeness, not fully appropriate to methodology; some questions about accuracy of analysis and/or appropriateness of techniques used; quite shallow level of analysis; some lack of focus on key issues/ questions relating to research objectives.


5/17/2018 6:32:44 AM

Presentation and analysis of empirical findings (30%) Clearly and fully presents empirical findings, appropriate to Clearly and fully presents empirical findings, appropriate to methodology; methodology; analysis analysis undertaken undertaken accurately using accurately using appropriate generally analytical appropriate methods/ analytical techniques; methods/ analysis techniques; undertaken in analysis considerable undertaken in depth; focuses depth; focuses on clearly on key key issues/ issues/ questions questions relating relating to to research research objectives. objectives.


5/17/2018 6:32:33 AM

Design of empirical investigation presented but not very clear; design not well-justified; sampling issues inadequately addressed; data collection methods limited in appropriateness (poor or limited examples); data analysis methods not explained or not fully appropriate; limited awareness of constraints and limitations when designing investigation; limited retrospective evaluation. Design of empirical investigation not clearly elaborated or presented; limited justification of design; sampling issues addressed in limited manner; data collection methods very limited in appropriateness (very poor or limited examples); data analysis methods not explained and not appropriate; very limited awareness of constraints and limitations when designing investigation; very limited retrospective evaluation.


5/17/2018 6:32:08 AM

Design of empirical investigation generally well- presented and justified; most sampling issues addressed appropriately; generally appropriate data collection methods adopted (with some examples); explains data analysis methods adopted, but not always clearly and/or appropriate; indicates general awareness of constraints and limitations when designing investigation; provides overall retrospective evaluation. Design of empirical investigation adequately presented and justified; sampling issues adequately addressed; data collection methods with some appropriateness (with few examples); explains data analysis methods adopted, but not always clearly and/or appropriate; indicates some awareness of constraints and limitations when designing investigation; some retrospective evaluation.


5/17/2018 6:31:57 AM

Design of empirical investigation fully and clearly presented and appropriately justified; sampling issues addressed appropriately and effectively; appropriate data collection methods adopted and indicating a degree of creative thinking (presented with examples); appropriate data analysis methods clearly explained; indicates clear awareness of constraints and limitations when designing investigation; provides thoughtful and critical retrospective Design of empirical investigation mostly well- presented and justified; sampling issues addressed appropriately; appropriate data collection methods (presented with examples); data analysis methods explained and appropriate; indicates awareness of constraints and limitations when designing investigation; provides critical retrospective evaluation.


5/17/2018 6:31:31 AM

Literature review (25%) Outstanding and flawless. All material selected from appropriate, Material selected from appropriate, authoritative Material mostly selected from appropriate, Material selected mainly from appropriate, authoritative sources; authoritative authoritative sources; sufficiently sources; mostly sources; comprehensive, comprehensive, comprehensive in selection of clear evidence of evidence of selection of materials is systematic systematic materials relevant generally relevant search; search; to project; to project but systematically systematically presents for the insufficiently presenting presenting most part a indicative of cogent, cogent, cogent structured systematic structured structured analysis of key search; identifies analysis of key analysis of key themes and/or relevant key themes and/or themes and/or issues relevant to themes and/or issues relevant to issues relevant to overall research issues but overall research overall research project; valid somewhat


5/17/2018 6:31:23 AM

Fail (30-39) 35 (20-29) 25 Not done 0 Poor discussion of context and rationale; lack of clarity on the nature of the Very poor discussion, if any, of context and rationale; complete lack of Missing. Wholly incorrect or not attempted. empirical clarity on the investigation nature of the undertaken, empirical tending to be little investigation more than a topic undertaken, rather than tending to be little research project; more than a topic little use of key rather than terms; little research project; indication of key very little or no issues; research use of key terms; objectives, as very little presented, only indication of key partially issues; research constitute objectives, as research presented, do not objectives. constitute research objectives.


5/17/2018 6:31:11 AM

Outstanding 100 Excellent (80-89) 85 Very Good (70-79) 75 Introduction, context, research objectives (10%) Outstanding and flawless. Context and rationale very clearly stated, indicating relevance to both Context and rationale clearly stated, indicating relevance to both arena of policy/ arena of policy/ practice and the practice and the research field; research field; clearly set up as very clearly set a worthwhile up as a investigative worthwhile project; provides investigative clear explanation project; provides of key terms; key clear and issues and comprehensive overall aim of the explanation of project explicitly key terms; key indicated; issues and research overall aim of the objectives clearly project explicitly stated and and effectively indicating overall indicated; depth of analysis research to be undertaken. objectives very clearly stated and indicating a thorough and in- depth of analysis to be undertaken.

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