Prepare dissertation on usage of the mobile phones

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Reference no: EM132449352

Prepare dissertation on Usage of the Mobile Phones in Students Segment of the Uk Market

Aim - The study aims to find out the issues regarding Smartphone usage among students of UK and to provide a solution.


The objective of the study is to find out the issues related to Smartphones usage.

1: Providing appropriate evidence about UK student's Smartphone usage.

2: Aligning Three needs theory and The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) theory with UK student's Smartphones usage.

3: Providing solutions on the discovered issues.

Research Questions

What harm can the use of Smartphones cause the student of The United Kingdom?

Question 1: What is the proof of Smartphone usage among UK students?

Question 2: How can the theories are aligned with the usage of Smartphones among UK students?

Question 3: How will the discovered issues help in providing appropriate solutions?

Reference no: EM132449352

Questions Cloud

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2/5/2020 12:48:13 AM

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