Reference no: EM133150967
RIICWD533E Prepare detailed design of civil concrete structures
Knowledge Assessment
Question 1. Following a well-prepared agenda contributes to the smooth execution of a design review. The agenda should identify who is responsible and the allocated time for each agenda item with the majority of the time spent on a detailed discussion (i.e., not presentation) of the product.
Provide an overview of topics that could be included in an agenda. It is important that only those topics pertinent to the product and timing of the design review be included.
Question 2. When designing noise barriers, what vertical and horizontal alignment considerations should be incorporated in the design?
Question 3. What normally occurs during pre-design phases of a civil construction project
Question 4. Outline three sets of data or information you would require to design a bridge.
Question 5. In undertaking civil concrete structure design, what documents you would access prior to undertaking the design? List 6.
Question 6. What is a conceptual design?
Question 7. Using the correct terminology, label the bridge diagram shown below:
Question 8. What is an abutment and what is its purpose?
Question 9. What is being shown in the following image? Label and outline the purpose of the structure.
Question 10. What is a design estimate?
Question 11. What element is being shown below and what is its function?
Question 12. Using the following cost estimate71, identify:
(a) What structure is being built?
(b) What is the total cost estimate of the project?
(c) What units of measure are used for the concrete?
(d) How much variation is allowed for in the estimate?
Question 13. What is the purpose of a design review?
Question 14. Why is it important to have a good mix of skills in a design review panel?
Question 15. What does the schematic design stage entail, including management roles and deliverables?
Question 16. Why are designer listening skills a critical skill in receiving stakeholder feedback?
Question 17. What is a document management system?
Question 18. What does design verification refer to?
Question 19. List three verification methods.
Question 20. What does design validation entail?
Question 21. List four forces applied to bridges.
Question 22. (a) Show your work as you use the following load combinations to solve the problem:
Load Combinations
1. Ultimate load = dead load + live load + snow load
2. Ultimate load = dead load + live load + wind load (or earthquake load)
3. Ultimate load = dead load + live load + wind load + (snow load ÷ 2)
4. Ultimate load = dead load + live load + snow load + (wind load ÷ 2)
5. Ultimate load = dead load + live load + snow load + earthquake load
Calculate the five ultimate loads resulting from each combination for the following loads:
Dead load = 45359.237 kg
Live load = 13834.56729 kg
Wind load = 2277.0337 kg
Snow load = 181.437 kg
Earthquake load = 2267.962 kg
(b) Using the highest load calculated from question 22, calculate the required area of the circular shape made of concrete if it is a pier or a column with a compression force acting on it. What is the radius of this circle? The maximum compressive strength of this concrete is 34473786 pascals.
Use the following equations to complete the problem. Show all work and calculations.
Highest ultimate load = (max. compressive strength) x (cross-sectional area)
Cross-sectional area of circle = p x (radius)2 p = 3.14
Highest ultimate load = (max. compressive strength) x (cross-sectional area)
Skills Assessment (Practical Tasks)
Task 1 - Detailed Design - Concrete Bridge
This assessment task requires you to prepare detailed designs of a concrete bridge including:
· carrying out risk assessments
· evaluating design options for civil concrete structures
· interpreting and analysing data, including calculating:
· loads
· shear forces
· bending moments
· stresses
· areas
· volumes
· mass
· sizes of components for civil concrete structure
· preparing civil concrete structures design plans
· preparing cost estimates
· obtaining design approval
· participating in performance reviews of design processes
· providing clarification and advice to personnel implementing the design
· maintaining design and cost records
· validating designs
for a geographical scenario as nominated by your Assessor. The minimum span for the bridge will be 30 metres.
During the above, you must:
· locate and apply required legislation, documentation, policies and procedures
· implement the requirements, procedures and techniques to prepare detailed design of civil concrete structures, including:
· accessing and interpreting required documentation, including:
· plans
· drawings
· specifications
· design briefs
· engineering surveys
· geotechnical information
· hydrological, meteorological, cultural and heritage data
· test results of construction materials for civil concrete structures
· data for selecting options for civil concrete structures
· applying civil design techniques, including:
· computer aided drafting design (CADD) and drafting technology
· industry or government standard design software
· engineering graphical presentation techniques
· work with others to prepare detailed designs of civil concrete structures in a way that meets required outcomes, including:
· complying with reporting requirements and procedures
· communicating with others to receive and clarify work instructions
· communicating with others to coordinate work activities.
A full schematic design is required including cost estimates for the designed structure, sketches, CAD drawings and models as required. These should be submitted as a portfolio for assessment.
As such, your portfolio will include:
· calculations, including:
· earthworks volumes
· construction materials and services quantities
· construction cost estimates
· drawings
· risk assessment of:
· the existing conditions
· the application of the design
· maintainability of the completed works
· health, safety and environmental requirements
· contribution to ancillary documentation, which may include:
· design notes
· construction notes
· supplementary drawings
· input to the specifications
Task 2 - Detailed Design - Major Road Noise Barrier (Concrete)
This assessment task requires you to prepare detailed designs of a concrete noise barrier along a major road, such as a freeway or highway, including:
· carrying out risk assessments
· evaluating design options for civil concrete structures
· interpreting and analysing data, including calculating:
· loads
· shear forces
· bending moments
· stresses
· areas
· volumes
· mass
· sizes of components for civil concrete structure
· preparing civil concrete structures design plans
· preparing cost estimates
· obtaining design approval
· participating in performance reviews of design processes
· providing clarification and advice to personnel implementing the design
· maintaining design and cost records
· validating designs
for a geographical scenario as nominated by your Assessor. The minimum span for the nose barrier will be 20 metres.
During the above, you must:
· locate and apply required legislation, documentation, policies and procedures
· implement the requirements, procedures and techniques to prepare detailed design of civil concrete structures, including:
· accessing and interpreting required documentation, including:
· plans
· drawings
· specifications
· design briefs
· engineering surveys
· geotechnical information
· hydrological, meteorological, cultural and heritage data
· test results of construction materials for civil concrete structures
· data for selecting options for civil concrete structures
· applying civil design techniques, including:
· computer aided drafting design (CADD) and drafting technology
· industry or government standard design software
· engineering graphical presentation techniques
· work with others to prepare detailed designs of civil concrete structures in a way that meets required outcomes, including:
· complying with reporting requirements and procedures
· communicating with others to receive and clarify work instructions
· communicating with others to coordinate work activities.
A full schematic design is required including cost estimates for the designed structure, sketches, CAD drawings and models as required. These should be submitted as a portfolio for assessment.
As such, your portfolio will include:
· calculations, including:
· earthworks volumes
· construction materials and services quantities
· construction cost estimates
· drawings
· risk assessment of:
· the existing conditions
· the application of the design
· maintainability of the completed works
· health, safety and environmental requirements
· contribution to ancillary documentation, which may include:
· design notes
· construction notes
· supplementary drawings
· input to the specifications