Prepare conceptual design for a wastewater treatment system

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM132190554 , Length: word count:9000

Consider that you are an environmental engineer who is working for Muscat Municipality. In 2018 you are asked to submit a report related to pollution control of selected industry and household waste (X or Y) in Oman considering public health issue.

Task: 1

You have to prepare a conceptual design for a wastewater treatment system for the selected Wilayat based on the following aspects:

1. Bring out the detail about the types of pollutants produced, treatment units and processes

2. The water quality that would result from the system in term of quality, national and international standard, social and cultural acceptance, and ecological impact.

3. Data's about the Controlling sources of pollution, Pollution prevention approaches to reduce, eliminate, or prevent pollution at its source, should be considered.

Examples are to use less toxic raw materials or fuels, use a less-polluting industrial process, and to improve the efficiency of the process such as the use of sustainable manufacturing or working.

Task: 2

You have to prepare control strategies for managing air quality from land transportation in any selected Wilayat of Muscat and discuss the ways to achieve reduction in air pollution.

1. Controlling emissions related to transportation which can include emission controls on vehicles as well as use of cleaner fuels.
2. Discuss stakeholder engagement and public participation for emission control and make sure that your design or strategy will be benefited for both the environment and society

Note: You are free to discuss a design or analysis of any industrial project of your own choosing any Wilayat in Oman. Both Task 1 & Task 2 should be compulsorily included in the report. A minimum of three house can be selected as pollution source.

Report Format

Number of pages: Maximum 20 pages excluding references list and the appendix (if any).
Line spacing: Generally use 1.5 x line spacing.
Start with the title page (including your name) or student number as requested.
It is preferable to place figures within the text rather than group them at the end of the report.
Give a sequential number to all figures (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.)
Add a brief, informative caption to the figures.

Report Sections:

A. Report Proposal [will be marked out of 100 and scaled down to 10 marks]

Your proposal should include the following:

Step 1 - Executive Summary/Introduction (approximately 1 paragraph)

The Introduction is the most important section of the proposal - it will either get your reader's attention or send them to the next proposal. To be effective, you want to outline the proposal and convince the reader that your proposal should be accepted. Specifically:

A. State the problem/need that you are going to address.

B. Provide a short description of the project, including what you propose, who it will benefit. D. Strong concluding statement.

Step 2 - Project Description (Maximum one Page)

This section defines the project objectives, describes the method of solution, and defines staffing and administrative requirements. Include the following sections (each of these sections should have a separate section heading and may have more than one paragraph).

1. Objectives - State your objectives as measurable outcomes of the solution. Be specific - make sure your solution is achievable within a specific time frame and measurable.
2. Method - Describe the specific action items (actions that need to be taken in order to meet the objectives). Answer the following questions: How, When, and Why.
3. Management Plan - Present "Time Plan" Only in your project.

Step 3 - Details about the Project (Approximately 1 paragraph)

Review your proposal briefly. Restate what you want to do and why it's important.


1. Proofread! Check spelling and punctuation.
2. Be clear. Be concise.
3. Remember your goals and audience. Managers look for cost-effectiveness. Engineers look at feasibility.

B. Report Structure:

1. The Report should contain the following sections:
Report body

2. Abstract (maximum 1page)

The abstract must be brief, but it has to tell the following:
The main objective.

Methodology; write about the main sections involved in the report.
Core results obtained; preferably not more than 2 sentences.
Conclusion; one or two sentences are recommended.

3. Introduction (maximum 2 pages)

The introduction is very important as it sets the context for the report. Summarize the brief, briefly outline the case and focus on its significance (problem statement), state the report's aim (objective), and describe how the report is organized (methodology). It is not usual to detail findings or recommendations in the introduction.

4. Case study (report body)

The previous sections (abstract & introduction) are preliminary sections. Case study's body section is organized as follows:

Headings should be informative and descriptive providing a clue to the contents of the section.

Describe the context of the case. Present the central issue you will be analyzing, what decisions have already been made, what communication processes are occurring in the situation. Focus on the facts.

Explain your methodology. Identify problems that are demonstrated in the case.

Present summaries of your findings and indicate how you decide for your design, and what is acceptable/not acceptable as a solution with justification.
Present an action plan for the recommendations. Recommendations in a case study report should be fairly detailed.

5. Conclusions (maximum 1 page)

Every report should include a concluding statement/s on the subject of the report. Restate the aim of the report and state how you have achieved it. Present the main findings and key recommendations in a summarized. You should also restate the limitations of the report.

6. References

This is a list of all the sources of information you have referred to in the report (CU Harvard
References Format); minimum 5 references.

7. Appendix

Reference no: EM132190554

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12/10/2018 11:10:27 PM

Task 2 1 Controlling emissions related to transportation can include emission controls on vehicles as 10 well as use of cleaner fuels. 2 Discuss stakeholder engagement and public participation for pollution prevention and make sure that 10 how your design or strategy benefited both the environment and society Conclusions for both Task 1 & 2 10 References 5 Total Marks 100 Plagiarism Late submission Final Mark/100 Proposal 10 Coursewo rk Total Mark 90 100


12/10/2018 11:10:19 PM

1 Types of pollutants produce 5 Proposed treatment units 5 Process of treatment 5 2 Water quality that would result from the system in term of quality, national and international standard, social 10 and cultural acceptance, and ecological impact. 3 Controlling sources of pollution: Pollution prevention approaches to reduce, eliminate, or prevent pollution at its source, should be considered. Examples are to use less toxic raw materials or fuels, use a less-polluting 15 industrial process, and to improve the efficiency of the process such as the use of sustainable manufacturing.


12/10/2018 11:10:11 PM

DELIVERABLE: The report should not exceed 20 pages, starts from the abstract to the conclusion. Coursework No Task Outs tandi ng Report structure include Abstract, introduction, report content, conclusions, references, appendix (if any) Exc ellen t Ver y Goo d Qua lity Go Satis od fact ory Wea k /Poor Mar ks 5 Mar ks Obt aine d Abstract 10 Introduction 10 Report contents & writing (Total 60 Marks) Task 1

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